I haven't been on since my last blog entry. Went back to Portland, and we picked up my buddy's new bike.
Oh, yeah- and in the middle of this I keep taking Shelly to the urgent care clinic. She has been poked, bled, cat scanned, exrayed and a whole battery of other tests. So far we have been told, "you're just sick", then "you have a kidney infection," then 2 days later, "no you don't have a kidney infection, we think it is a bad virus," to now a phone call saying, "we think you have a stone, or a growth in your gall bladder." The funny part is she has been totally fine with everything so far, and I have been the one wjho can't sleep and worries. At least now they keep saying it's nothing serious or life-threatening, but they scheduled an ultra-sound for April 17. Wonder what new diagnosis they will have for us then. Till next time....
Oh, yeah- and in the middle of this I keep taking Shelly to the urgent care clinic. She has been poked, bled, cat scanned, exrayed and a whole battery of other tests. So far we have been told, "you're just sick", then "you have a kidney infection," then 2 days later, "no you don't have a kidney infection, we think it is a bad virus," to now a phone call saying, "we think you have a stone, or a growth in your gall bladder." The funny part is she has been totally fine with everything so far, and I have been the one wjho can't sleep and worries. At least now they keep saying it's nothing serious or life-threatening, but they scheduled an ultra-sound for April 17. Wonder what new diagnosis they will have for us then. Till next time....
And i am..thank you for the big brothery advice!