So I bought the only copy of Sick of it All first LP, "Blood, Sweat, and No Tears" It's the only copy that I have seen in at least 11-12 years. It cost me $60.....well worth it if you ask me. But the reason I'm writing about it isn't because I'm so happy about the find of the year, it's because I never even got to listen to it. I stopped off before I got home, left it in the car. Well, I ended up spending the night and when I left the next afternoon, it was completely warped. Ruined. I did find a place in NY that suppoesedly fixes warped vinyls, so Im gonna take it there. So I just want everyone to know what kind of moron that I am. Insults are welcome....I deserve it.

Let me know what you got and how much you area asking
I'm selling all this stuff...