My new tea set.

I hear green tea is good for helping you lose weight. Supposed to be an appetite suppressant. Also, they say if drunk with a meal it's supposed to block... something or other... science... anyway, it's kinda like a magical skinny juice. I do notice that I'm not really hungry after I drink it, though, so I'm gonna use that. I ate one of those Healthy Choice Steamers for dinner tonight. I wasn't really hungry until AFTER I ate the damn thing. I was fine before, that thing just made me mad. After I had my tea, though, I was fine. Not sure if I'm drinking too much, though. I do about 24oz (3 cups). I think they say six cups a day is good, but more than that is harmful. I dunno.
I was supposed to skip dinner tonight because I had to drink three monsters today just to keep awake. Been having a lot of trouble sleeping. I didn't fall asleep until after midnight I guess, then I had to get up for 3:45 to go to work. So I was pretty tired today. Thankfully I had a CD player. Liza, Judy and Dragonforce kept me awake. But I felt bad about drinking so much Monster. I'm supposed to be drinking nothing but water and tea. I ate the steamer anyway, though.

Tomorrow's gonna suck. I hate when they route me in New Orleans. I hate running in the city. Big pain in the ass. All kinds of problems. Plus it's generally a short day, which means less hours on my paycheck. Oh, well. I guess it's like sex with me: It sucks, but at least it's over with quickly.

Don't really have anything to say here. Just wasting time. I'm supposed to be reading this book... some stupid safety regulation stuff... don't feel like it. Gotta take some dumb assed quiz in the back of the book. Jesus, what is this? High school? Then I gotta fill this thing out... bleh. I hate crap like this. I'll get around to doing it. I'm such a procrastinator. I'll go into detail on that later. Apparently there're going to be some roadside inspections going down soon. Next month I think. They do this sometimes. Not that big of a deal, just a pain in the ass. Plus the trucks my company has are kinda f'ed up. But if I get parked for something, no big deal. I'm paid hourly.
Alright. I'm bored with this. Gonna go get bored with something else now.