I'm considering putting one of my guitars in the shop soon. Been putting it off for a long assed time. I could fix it myself, but I know I'm never going to get around to it. It's a pretty cool guitar. I mean, I think I prefer my Strat, but this is an NJ series Warlock with custom pickups and knobs. Not the greatest guitar ever, but cool nonetheless. The Floyd Rose on the thing needs adjusting, needs the intonation set, new strings. I can do all that, I just don't feel like it. I'll pay someone to do it. Mostly, though, what I don't want to do is rewiring the pickups and installing some new switches. I have two DiMarzio's in there; the X2N and the Multibucker. There are a lot of wiring options with the multibucker, but I don't really know much about all of that. I've got a couple of extra switches on there, but I've got dead positions so something's not right. Been like that for years, I want a pro to set it up for me. Might as well let him handle the easy stuff that it needs done, too. Heh... just realized I'm holding this same guitar in that old profile picture on here. Man... I miss the speakers and amp that are in that pic, too.

I think I want to get a new bass soon. I sold my old one (along with so much other stuff I miss) a few years ago when I moved. I've been wanting another one for a long time. I'm thinking 6 or 7 string fretless. But I dunno yet. We'll see. I'll have to special order, which sucks because that means I can't try before I buy. See, I play lefty (even though I'm not left handed... weird) and no one stocks much in lefty. Then to make matters worse, I reverse my string order.
I also want to get one of those Taylor maple topped T5's. I fell in love with them when I was working at a guitar center a few years ago. The koa top looks good but I think the maple sounds better, personally. It's a deep hollow body electric acoustic. It's thin bodied for an acoustic, but sounds like heaven. Perfect neck...
I've been wanting to get a classical for a long time, as well. I loved my friends. Those nylon strings make a sound that just wraps your whole body up in warm liquid and floats you out into space. Plus if you do it right you can make girls slip right off of leather couches. It's probably the most romantic sounding instrument besides the kazoo.
Topping all of that off is the instrument that I may actually go buy pretty soon. A trombone. I want one. A muted trombone. I played tuba back when I was in school, so I'm not unfamiliar with brass. I think I'll check around for a not-too-expensive used one. Just to see how it works out for me.
I've really been wanting to get back into my music lately. I haven't really been able to play for the past few years. This past month or so I've been feeling a little better and kind of want to start playing again. I'd like to get a little band going again, but that probably won't happen. I don't know anybody anymore and I don't make friends. I could put an add out or answer an add, but I don't know. Plus I don't know how serious I want to get with a band. I just want to jam. I don't care about making money or playing shows, etc... and I won't be held down to a particular style of music. I never could stand that. I just want to play my own stuff without worrying about if it's metal or whatever.

I think I want to get a new bass soon. I sold my old one (along with so much other stuff I miss) a few years ago when I moved. I've been wanting another one for a long time. I'm thinking 6 or 7 string fretless. But I dunno yet. We'll see. I'll have to special order, which sucks because that means I can't try before I buy. See, I play lefty (even though I'm not left handed... weird) and no one stocks much in lefty. Then to make matters worse, I reverse my string order.
I also want to get one of those Taylor maple topped T5's. I fell in love with them when I was working at a guitar center a few years ago. The koa top looks good but I think the maple sounds better, personally. It's a deep hollow body electric acoustic. It's thin bodied for an acoustic, but sounds like heaven. Perfect neck...
I've been wanting to get a classical for a long time, as well. I loved my friends. Those nylon strings make a sound that just wraps your whole body up in warm liquid and floats you out into space. Plus if you do it right you can make girls slip right off of leather couches. It's probably the most romantic sounding instrument besides the kazoo.
Topping all of that off is the instrument that I may actually go buy pretty soon. A trombone. I want one. A muted trombone. I played tuba back when I was in school, so I'm not unfamiliar with brass. I think I'll check around for a not-too-expensive used one. Just to see how it works out for me.
I've really been wanting to get back into my music lately. I haven't really been able to play for the past few years. This past month or so I've been feeling a little better and kind of want to start playing again. I'd like to get a little band going again, but that probably won't happen. I don't know anybody anymore and I don't make friends. I could put an add out or answer an add, but I don't know. Plus I don't know how serious I want to get with a band. I just want to jam. I don't care about making money or playing shows, etc... and I won't be held down to a particular style of music. I never could stand that. I just want to play my own stuff without worrying about if it's metal or whatever.