"Whenever you're near, I hear a symphony, a tender melody..." man... the Supremes f'ing rock.

Jeez.... back again with nothing to say. I've been so antsy lately. Got nothing to do. I feel like a volcano. I'm just sitting here heating up and ready to burst. I wanna go out and have fun... don't really get to do that. I can't stand going to bars because I just end up sitting alone at the bar drinking overpriced scotch listening to bad music. It's really depressing to sit around the house realizing that you're going to be there until Monday morning.
I've got three discs in from Netflix right now that I've been putting off watching. Usually I watch my movies right away and send them back, keeping a good steady flow of escape from reality. I just haven't really felt like sitting through a movie lately. I got some pretty good ones right now, too. "Judgment At Nuremberg," "Words and Music," and "Chicago." I know I saw "Chicago" when it came out but I honestly don't remember too much about it. I think I often confuse it with "Moulin Rouge," which is also coming soon. I want the original version and the newer remake and I'm gonna watch 'em back to back.
So I don't feel like sitting on the couch watching movies, so instead I sit back here in my comfy-assed computer chair clicking around on websites. Not really accomplishing anything. Bleh... I really hate weekends. When did that happen? Weekends are supposed to be what you look forward to. At least during the week I have work to distract me and I know I'm making money, pitiful though my pay may be.
Then to top it all off I made that really stupid decision to give up drinking alone. Man, the one thing I'm good at, too.
I really feel like downing a fifth of Chivas tonight. Not gonna do it, though. I'll just end up getting depressed. Besides, it goes against this stupid diet I'm trying to be on.
I actually ended up kinda breaking a rule. I wanted to go get some noodle soup from Kim Ahn's in Harahan. Didn't realize they're closed on Saturdays. So I ended up back in Metairie at Sapporo's. They have pretty good food there, and I LOVE Japanese cuisine. I got the Yaki Udon. Not sure how healthy/unhealthy it is. I was a good boy and only ate less than half, though. The rest is for dinner later on. I also got Squid Salad which I'm going to pick on between today and tomorrow. I shouldn't be, but that stuff is so goddamn good. I can't go there without getting some.
Really been wanting sushi lately. I've got a few extra bucks right now and I'd really like to go to Kanno's. Best sushi EVER. That and some Nigori...

But I want to go with someone. I hate going anywhere by myself. Bleh... sucks to be me. Last time I was at Kanno's I got the chef's special. It was the most amazing meal I've ever had. It was truly an experience. End that off with a bottle of Nigori (over priced, but so good...) Ah...
Also, Little Tokyo is pretty good. My favorite thing to get there (and I get it every time) is the squid steak. It's ungodly. A big, full, sliced squid on a sizzling platter... Also, their salmon roe is always good which I can't always say for other places. The uni can go either way, but it's usually pretty good, too.
Goddamnit, fatty stop thinking about food. Think thin!

So bored right now. "Cliffs of Dover" is playing now by Eric Johnson. Such a great song.
I should be playing my guitar right now. I really want to start playing again. Sometimes I get the urge to go play, but it's never at a good time. Right now I just don't have it in me. Haven't really felt the music like I used to for a very long time. My old "band" pretty much bit the dust a long time ago. We were really just a bunch of stoned losers anyway. Too bad there was so much potential in our group. We could have done so much if not for weed, alcohol, ecstasy, coke, crack, heroin, pills, crazy girlfriends, crazy addicts, crazy drunks and a whole lot of depression. Man, what a waste. I guess that's why they call it "getting wasted." Two bad we didn't see that years ago, I might be typing this from a laptop on a tour bus with a hot heavy metal wife fixing me a sandwich. Ah. Probably not. But maybe at least I'd be playing somewhere tonight instead of just thinking about it. There are so many untalented, uninspired bands playing out there. Oh, well.
Bleh. It sucks when you know you're depressed and you know you shouldn't be but you just don't know what to do to change it. Screw it. I'm going eat some more noodles. I can't be bummed out and hungry at the same time. It's been a good five hours since I ate the first half of it this morning, I guess it's a good time to go stuff my face with the rest now.
Then I may watch "Chicago." Why am I telling you this? I think the better question is why are you reading it?
Okay, done with this for now.

Jeez.... back again with nothing to say. I've been so antsy lately. Got nothing to do. I feel like a volcano. I'm just sitting here heating up and ready to burst. I wanna go out and have fun... don't really get to do that. I can't stand going to bars because I just end up sitting alone at the bar drinking overpriced scotch listening to bad music. It's really depressing to sit around the house realizing that you're going to be there until Monday morning.
I've got three discs in from Netflix right now that I've been putting off watching. Usually I watch my movies right away and send them back, keeping a good steady flow of escape from reality. I just haven't really felt like sitting through a movie lately. I got some pretty good ones right now, too. "Judgment At Nuremberg," "Words and Music," and "Chicago." I know I saw "Chicago" when it came out but I honestly don't remember too much about it. I think I often confuse it with "Moulin Rouge," which is also coming soon. I want the original version and the newer remake and I'm gonna watch 'em back to back.
So I don't feel like sitting on the couch watching movies, so instead I sit back here in my comfy-assed computer chair clicking around on websites. Not really accomplishing anything. Bleh... I really hate weekends. When did that happen? Weekends are supposed to be what you look forward to. At least during the week I have work to distract me and I know I'm making money, pitiful though my pay may be.
Then to top it all off I made that really stupid decision to give up drinking alone. Man, the one thing I'm good at, too.

I actually ended up kinda breaking a rule. I wanted to go get some noodle soup from Kim Ahn's in Harahan. Didn't realize they're closed on Saturdays. So I ended up back in Metairie at Sapporo's. They have pretty good food there, and I LOVE Japanese cuisine. I got the Yaki Udon. Not sure how healthy/unhealthy it is. I was a good boy and only ate less than half, though. The rest is for dinner later on. I also got Squid Salad which I'm going to pick on between today and tomorrow. I shouldn't be, but that stuff is so goddamn good. I can't go there without getting some.
Really been wanting sushi lately. I've got a few extra bucks right now and I'd really like to go to Kanno's. Best sushi EVER. That and some Nigori...

But I want to go with someone. I hate going anywhere by myself. Bleh... sucks to be me. Last time I was at Kanno's I got the chef's special. It was the most amazing meal I've ever had. It was truly an experience. End that off with a bottle of Nigori (over priced, but so good...) Ah...
Also, Little Tokyo is pretty good. My favorite thing to get there (and I get it every time) is the squid steak. It's ungodly. A big, full, sliced squid on a sizzling platter... Also, their salmon roe is always good which I can't always say for other places. The uni can go either way, but it's usually pretty good, too.
Goddamnit, fatty stop thinking about food. Think thin!

So bored right now. "Cliffs of Dover" is playing now by Eric Johnson. Such a great song.
I should be playing my guitar right now. I really want to start playing again. Sometimes I get the urge to go play, but it's never at a good time. Right now I just don't have it in me. Haven't really felt the music like I used to for a very long time. My old "band" pretty much bit the dust a long time ago. We were really just a bunch of stoned losers anyway. Too bad there was so much potential in our group. We could have done so much if not for weed, alcohol, ecstasy, coke, crack, heroin, pills, crazy girlfriends, crazy addicts, crazy drunks and a whole lot of depression. Man, what a waste. I guess that's why they call it "getting wasted." Two bad we didn't see that years ago, I might be typing this from a laptop on a tour bus with a hot heavy metal wife fixing me a sandwich. Ah. Probably not. But maybe at least I'd be playing somewhere tonight instead of just thinking about it. There are so many untalented, uninspired bands playing out there. Oh, well.
Bleh. It sucks when you know you're depressed and you know you shouldn't be but you just don't know what to do to change it. Screw it. I'm going eat some more noodles. I can't be bummed out and hungry at the same time. It's been a good five hours since I ate the first half of it this morning, I guess it's a good time to go stuff my face with the rest now.

Then I may watch "Chicago." Why am I telling you this? I think the better question is why are you reading it?
Okay, done with this for now.