i need to get my hair cut. it's getting long. and i like it longer. but it's seriously lacking style. and now its dark. getting my hair cut is so freaking traumatic.
i need opinions. ideas. some creativity. i've got nothin. someone tell me what to do.
i've had the most insane migraine all freaking day. i woke up with it. and felt shitty and nauseous all day. and now when it's bed time, the damn thing finally went away. what a fucking waste of a day. damnations.
i have a speech on monday. ya know how much time i've spent on it? not a second. yup its gonna suck.
i could use some lovin right about now. damn...

i need opinions. ideas. some creativity. i've got nothin. someone tell me what to do.
i've had the most insane migraine all freaking day. i woke up with it. and felt shitty and nauseous all day. and now when it's bed time, the damn thing finally went away. what a fucking waste of a day. damnations.
i have a speech on monday. ya know how much time i've spent on it? not a second. yup its gonna suck.
i could use some lovin right about now. damn...
Go into a salon, pick the biggest primadonna there and tell them to nuts. Then go home and dye the fuck out of it. and everymorning, regardless of the cut, when you get out of the shower dump a ton of mouse 9or whatever crap you have) and justrandomly run your fingers through it. It'll be like hair russian-roulette.
Oooooooooor, pick an sg and copy her hair. Go into the Salon and say I want a Stormy!
As for hair, Ive always gound it sexy when a girl can take a shower, get out, dry it a little bit, shake it out, and go.
The whole wet semi umcombed hair drives me nuts.