so he's coming tonight! whooo! i can't wait for him to get here. i've been cleaning...even though he totally knows what a disgusting slob i am already. but still he's my love so i gotta put in some effort to clean up the place. specially since i live alone. there is no one to blame the mess on.
he called me last night. i was sleeping. i think it was like 2? and i don't remember what we talked about. all i remember is him telling me he loves me. and that he would see me in 18 hours.
isn't love grand?
lemon sorbet? mmm yummmy.
so in other not so good news my aunt dora died. well actually she was my great aunt. i didn't know her very well. she was my grandfather's brother's wife. i never knew my grandfather or his brother, they both died when i was a baby. i was the last grandbaby that was born before my grandpa died. there is a picture of me as a baby with him holding me. anyways back to aunt dora... i didn't know her very well, but when my sister got married in september, she attended the wedding. i gave her my flowers because she was admiring them so much. it made her cry. she seemed sweet. wish i would have known her better.
i attended a trial all this week. it was interesting. not a great trial, but very educational. it was incredibly draining though. i took so many naps this week.
i am drowning in the amount of homework i currently have. its scary.
i'm thinking of seeing if i can volunteer with this court appointed special advocate program. i would serve as an advocate on the behalf of abused children. i'm not sure if i have the time for it though. i really would like to do it.
hope everyone has a nice weekend. i know mine will be good.
he called me last night. i was sleeping. i think it was like 2? and i don't remember what we talked about. all i remember is him telling me he loves me. and that he would see me in 18 hours.
isn't love grand?

lemon sorbet? mmm yummmy.
so in other not so good news my aunt dora died. well actually she was my great aunt. i didn't know her very well. she was my grandfather's brother's wife. i never knew my grandfather or his brother, they both died when i was a baby. i was the last grandbaby that was born before my grandpa died. there is a picture of me as a baby with him holding me. anyways back to aunt dora... i didn't know her very well, but when my sister got married in september, she attended the wedding. i gave her my flowers because she was admiring them so much. it made her cry. she seemed sweet. wish i would have known her better.
i attended a trial all this week. it was interesting. not a great trial, but very educational. it was incredibly draining though. i took so many naps this week.
i am drowning in the amount of homework i currently have. its scary.
i'm thinking of seeing if i can volunteer with this court appointed special advocate program. i would serve as an advocate on the behalf of abused children. i'm not sure if i have the time for it though. i really would like to do it.
hope everyone has a nice weekend. i know mine will be good.
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Happy Valentines Day doll!