this is a great time of the year for me to be stressed. because one of my favorite stress reducing activities is shopping, and christmas is a great excuse to shop. and thanks to the internet i don't even have to get out of my pjs! whoopie.
only 2 and 1/2 presents left to get. and the nice thing is they are all being shipped to my parents house so i don't have to cart them to IL.
i also bought myself a couple of little things...
i am making christmas cards inbetween studying. it's fun..i like cutting things up.
my hair is the most wonderful shade of red. very lovely.
i added a few new pics. whoopie.
motherfucker. it is now after 4 in the morning and i can't fucking sleep. errr..
only 2 and 1/2 presents left to get. and the nice thing is they are all being shipped to my parents house so i don't have to cart them to IL.
i also bought myself a couple of little things...
i am making christmas cards inbetween studying. it's fun..i like cutting things up.
my hair is the most wonderful shade of red. very lovely.
i added a few new pics. whoopie.
motherfucker. it is now after 4 in the morning and i can't fucking sleep. errr..
And thanx for writing in my journal, I totally understand how grad school swallows your life and small things make me happy, so thanks!