Well after a cannonball run to Houston and back (72 hrs) I am hopefully done leaving the state for a while. A little work in Brooklyn Mi right now and an entire tank in Allegan to work on for starters. Ok anyone have a good pub to check out? I am all but done with Mulligans, Jukes has been my hangout for a while but its getting to be old hat too, although you cant beat the jukebox, and the staff is great. I've been to the Monarchs club a few times great beer selection and an alright box if the regulars only knew something other than "classic rock". I guess I should get some more pics up here soon. At least my tats and pets..... Anyway I am open to suggestions if there are any just bear in mind college kids and yuppies and jockos are not my crowd
More Blogs
Thursday Mar 12, 2009
Wow overe a year, and someone "bought" me 3 months. Last girlfriend … -
Saturday Jun 16, 2007
God damn I am horrible at postin' blogs. Thing is Its summer time an… -
Sunday Apr 15, 2007
Please take the time to read this. It is an excerpt from Kurt Vonneg… -
Wednesday Apr 11, 2007
Well after a cannonball run to Houston and back (72 hrs) I am hopeful… -
Friday Mar 23, 2007
Damn I'm back again. since my enrolment has been sporadic at best I … -
Monday Jan 02, 2006
Happy new year to all. Whats up? I swear I'll get into something so… -
Saturday Oct 01, 2005
I really need to get on here more often! Ive been workin in Flint a… -
Sunday Aug 28, 2005
Was home for the weekend and had a really lazy few days. Happened to … -
Sunday Aug 28, 2005
Was home for the weekend and had a really lazy few days. Happened t… -
Tuesday Aug 02, 2005
wooo hoooo its been a while. I'm back on the road working the legs d…