Wow overe a year, and someone "bought" me 3 months. Last girlfriend I had did.t like me on here.
welcome back
God damn I am horrible at postin' blogs. Thing is Its summer time and I have been working my ass off. Thats just the way it goes. Aside from that I spend as much time with my daughter as I can.. Lets see Oh yeah I'll be turnin dirty thirty here in a few more days, hard to believe. Anyway its late 4 me just...
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Tired of sitting home on a Tuesday night?
Like to bowl, drink, or both?
Want to meet some fellow SG members?
Than, I've got something for you!
Come bowl in Grand Rapids!
If you are not in the SGKalamazoo group, feel free to join.
Too lazy / shy to do that or still waiting on approval? We will be at AMF Comet Lanes on 141 28th St in Grand Rapids, Tuesday June 26th at 8pm. It's conveniently located a few blocks east of 131!
Got question? Post them in the thread in the group or ask me!
Hope to see you there!!!
Like to bowl, drink, or both?
Want to meet some fellow SG members?
Than, I've got something for you!
Come bowl in Grand Rapids!
If you are not in the SGKalamazoo group, feel free to join.
Too lazy / shy to do that or still waiting on approval? We will be at AMF Comet Lanes on 141 28th St in Grand Rapids, Tuesday June 26th at 8pm. It's conveniently located a few blocks east of 131!
Got question? Post them in the thread in the group or ask me!
Hope to see you there!!!
We're having a holiday party. Will you be attending?
Please take the time to read this. It is an excerpt from Kurt Vonneguts Last book A Man Without A Country
"Where are Mark Twain and Abraham Lincoln now when we need them? They were country boys from Middle America, and both of them made the American people laugh at themselves and appreciate really important, really moral jokes. Imagine what they would have to say...
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"Where are Mark Twain and Abraham Lincoln now when we need them? They were country boys from Middle America, and both of them made the American people laugh at themselves and appreciate really important, really moral jokes. Imagine what they would have to say...
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Well after a cannonball run to Houston and back (72 hrs) I am hopefully done leaving the state for a while. A little work in Brooklyn Mi right now and an entire tank in Allegan to work on for starters. Ok anyone have a good pub to check out? I am all but done with Mulligans, Jukes has been my hangout for a while but...
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Damn I'm back again. since my enrolment has been sporadic at best I have a small network on here. I hope to meet some new people this go-round though. There has been a lot going on but not much to talk about at the moment. I just resigned but I plan on updating my shit soon.
haha...I didn't know you had a membership to SG!!
well, yeah if you ever need someone to work on a car with tools for working on a house...hit me up!!
haha...I didn't know you had a membership to SG!!
well, yeah if you ever need someone to work on a car with tools for working on a house...hit me up!!
Happy new year to all. Whats up? I swear I'll get into something sometime. All I really have to say today is go to the bookstore and get "The Story Of B" by Daniel Quinn. If you don't already think about the subject brought up in this book it will change you, or at least make you more aware. Waiting to find out if we...
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I really need to get on here more often! Ive been workin in Flint and home on the weekends so I'm not on line much really but oh well. I should be working in the basement right now but hell I gota relax sometimes right???
whats goin on in the basement?
hi friend of jason and kristen!
ps. flint sucks.
ps. flint sucks.
Was home for the weekend and had a really lazy few days. Happened to get piss drunk wasted at ten Bells Friday night, then with the exception of a few loads of laundry and some constructive ingenuity building a nice workbench in the basement, I laid around and smoked some Fine sativa. I put some new pics up check em out if ya got the...
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what was happening at Ten Bells...just bar time?
i was at ten bells on tuesday of last week...
Was home for the weekend and had a really lazy few days. Happened to get piss drunk wasted at ten Bells friday night, then with the exception of a few loads of laundry and some cornstructive inginuity building a nice work benck in the basement, I layed around and smoked some Fine sativia
. I put some new pics up check em out if ya...
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wooo hoooo its been a while. I'm back on the road working the legs doing much better. So I'm still trying to get around here and meet some of you fuckers. See you around maybe.
was wondering where you were at? back....
really thanks to everyone who responded to my efforts. The show sat was great I'll be posting more shows and BBQ's as they come up. there are a couple I need to get exact times and dates for that will be posted on kzoo group and my events. there are some new pics from this sat in my show pics file check 'em out.
thank you for commenting on my set 

danimal rosco & G-spot hehehe nice names - I'm known as Beetle