Another successful Spring Break '98 in the books. This year may not have included Broadway musicals and Wrestlemania, but Wysh, MotherTeresa and I bought mother fucking shark tooth necklaces and $17 skateboards from Target. Fuck it up!
Now I am back at NCF. My course load is immensely lighter since i am no longer taking Statistics. A lot more free time, here I come. So yeah, I am currently looking at the rest of this semester being a breeze. After it is over, maybe I will actually get some furniture in my condo.
Now I am back at NCF. My course load is immensely lighter since i am no longer taking Statistics. A lot more free time, here I come. So yeah, I am currently looking at the rest of this semester being a breeze. After it is over, maybe I will actually get some furniture in my condo.

lets plan this kickball