so i am back from miami. i worked 50 hours in 4 days. ultra was a cluster fuck of the highest eschelon. i worked from 9am to 4am on saturday. i had to listen to drum and bass music from 11am to a little after midnight when the cops told me to shut it down, which i happily did, much to the dismay of the hundreds of people in the crowd at my stage. i am back in town now and waiting to get paid. i am probably never gonna work with that company again...well, at least not with the guy who currently owns it and his wife, the guy who might be taking over soon is a bad ass and can TCB. i would gladly work with him.
here are some pictures from Ultra! (since it cuts them all off, you can see full pictures in the pics folder)
here are some pictures from Ultra! (since it cuts them all off, you can see full pictures in the pics folder)
anyways, i am back in o-town. lets hang out, shall we?
You and your girl should come up on a wednesday and hang out with me. I sing really horrible karaoke! I mean really horrible, and I'm fun to laugh at! So there! You two should come.