The Nine Inch Nails YouTube Ghosts Film Festival is now underway
AND DAMN IF THE NEXT FEW WEEKS THIS IS WHERE MY MIND will be, where my creation will feed.
I am fucking excitedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
I love doing films and the music is just....fuck there is no word.
I turned it on and my body and mind just got pulled in the beyond
I was shocked with machine and flesh
now it begains to turn them into one my friends
To make a film, to let the music and the images make love
and womb and give birth to something outside ,inside, hidding in myself
Ugh I am still waiting to hear back from the staff here on my set.
The Nine Inch Nails YouTube Ghosts Film Festival is now underway
AND DAMN IF THE NEXT FEW WEEKS THIS IS WHERE MY MIND will be, where my creation will feed.
I am fucking excitedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
I love doing films and the music is just....fuck there is no word.
I turned it on and my body and mind just got pulled in the beyond
I was shocked with machine and flesh
now it begains to turn them into one my friends
To make a film, to let the music and the images make love
and womb and give birth to something outside ,inside, hidding in myself
Ugh I am still waiting to hear back from the staff here on my set.
really? haha better then gettign stabed in teh eye i always say.
lol i dont know but i dont know much anyways. i think atleast