stupid stupid stuuuuupid!!!! i have a fecking cracked rib!! some IDIOT anarchist managed to hit me in the gut with a piece of bench, fucking IDIOT!! then for the hell of it WHILST DYING!!!(or what felt like it) the even more stupid police man wudnt let me out of the human "sheep pen"..urch!!! I'll hunt them both down an beat them with a stick!!!!
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thot id jibber since im in a suuuper mood!
The guy im dating goes away on wed (22nd) to Faliraki for two weeks of badness! BADNESS i tell ya!! yeah not lovin' that!
but anyway the suuuper mood part, i have taken it apon myself to only eat crackerbread and drink redbull for the following fortnight, thus making me sooo hyper i cant possibly...
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thot id jibber since im in a suuuper mood!
The guy im dating goes away on wed (22nd) to Faliraki for two weeks of badness! BADNESS i tell ya!! yeah not lovin' that!
but anyway the suuuper mood part, i have taken it apon myself to only eat crackerbread and drink redbull for the following fortnight, thus making me sooo hyper i cant possibly...
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Crackerbread and Red Bull? God help you. I don't even need the red bull. Give me a bottle of Fanta and i'm away.
I'm glad you didn't get the grey scabs. They really were quite vile.
I'm glad you didn't get the grey scabs. They really were quite vile.

Bullcrack eh!? Well, i must admit, i shant be trying it anytime soon. I'm on a diet of Babybels and cream soda this week. It's rather brilliant.
i had my tonsils taken out yesterday..remind me someone please never again to have a general anesthetic..waking up spewing blood = not fun!!
but they let me home this morning for being a good girl and eating all the god damned toast they put in front of me!
oh and on fun news i booked my hollibugs! 2weeks in greece here comes becka!
i really...
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but they let me home this morning for being a good girl and eating all the god damned toast they put in front of me!
oh and on fun news i booked my hollibugs! 2weeks in greece here comes becka!

i really...
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hello back at ya.
mmmm i miss jelly. i havnt had any in faaar to long
its the best food
mmmm i miss jelly. i havnt had any in faaar to long

hahaha you crazy!
i do want to try it, but it seems like so much effort!
i do want to try it, but it seems like so much effort!
i have the sniffles feel sorry for me!
i spent the best part of my day painting my room..buts its 80% done, random input but im short and i have high celings so im uber chuffed!!
i quit my job!! hooraa!! lookie who now works as a check in girl at Glasgow Airport lol glamour all the way i tell ya!!
anyhoo..thats all...
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i have the sniffles feel sorry for me!

i spent the best part of my day painting my room..buts its 80% done, random input but im short and i have high celings so im uber chuffed!!

i quit my job!! hooraa!! lookie who now works as a check in girl at Glasgow Airport lol glamour all the way i tell ya!!
anyhoo..thats all...
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quittin jobs is always kinda fun.
sniffles = bad though.
Nice tatoo's by the way
sniffles = bad though.
Nice tatoo's by the way
Hello, hope your feeling better
Good to see another Scot her

It being midnight and the fact i'm not sleepy i thought i'd pop in and say hiya..annnnd vent lol
I hate that my room is feeezing due to my bastard radiator being, well a bastard!
I'm in a huuuuge huff with my sister for <b>stealing</b> my new shoes and then proceding to get drunk and vomit on them!!
my poor little babies!! was a...
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I hate that my room is feeezing due to my bastard radiator being, well a bastard!
I'm in a huuuuge huff with my sister for <b>stealing</b> my new shoes and then proceding to get drunk and vomit on them!! was a...
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i'm getting more added to my stomach sorta wavey things lol..
bed pans
thanks for that thought! lol
bed pans

getting my back finished over the next few weeks.... and having my stomach done in about a month... so all is good in the world of tattoos for me
shame about the shoes.... what are they made out of...
and the sun will be there for as long as you're alive... so you'll see it again

shame about the shoes.... what are they made out of...
and the sun will be there for as long as you're alive... so you'll see it again

heyhey long time no update..
not alot of news..a got a letter thru, i got into the art course i'm in love with!!
mucho new cat has covered my arms in scratches..great look!! i got surnburnt
so insteada being all milky white i have a pink tinge to me along with the scratches..yes i look like a fine piece of ass!! haha or thats...
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not alot of news..a got a letter thru, i got into the art course i'm in love with!!

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haha..eww, mine are the weirdest shapes..think tiggers an artist in the making

congrats on the art course

I have to go into hospital the day be4 the MyChemicalRomance gig..
*gutted* mums given the tickets to my pooopy cousin and his girlfriend..hope they choke!!
O2 suck donkey cock!! 80squid on premium text messages!!
oh yes becka will be on the "too poor too eat diet" lol!!
oh well its thursday student night..yes ladies and gentlemen pound a drink night so with that i...
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O2 suck donkey cock!! 80squid on premium text messages!!

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yup yup they are all mine.

Cooool! Especially like the tat on your stomach. Really ace! little fun news to update on,
dull dull dull.
i started back at work (aka HELL!!) after a blissful week off. Did i mention i hate my job! anything involving "the public" i neeed to stay well clear shouted at for telling a pensioner to "*BEEEEEEP* OFF!!" today didnt go down to well, ooppsy
oh oh oh buuut i have amaaazing news!!! My...
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i started back at work (aka HELL!!) after a blissful week off. Did i mention i hate my job! anything involving "the public" i neeed to stay well clear shouted at for telling a pensioner to "*BEEEEEEP* OFF!!" today didnt go down to well, ooppsy

oh oh oh buuut i have amaaazing news!!! My...
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lol aww poor you..threaten to hit them with a big stick..called the hitting stick..or come to glasgow and go with me and my mum haha..
Their pensioners their not real people lol.
Happy Valentines Day!!
Hope everyones had a lovely romantic day all planned out, me an jenna had dinner together at La Tasca after comming to the conclusion that (most, hopefully not all) men are poop!
I met some band called the Noise Next Door the other day in HMV by accident, i'll save myself the shame of posting what happened up on here but yeah...
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Hope everyones had a lovely romantic day all planned out, me an jenna had dinner together at La Tasca after comming to the conclusion that (most, hopefully not all) men are poop!
I met some band called the Noise Next Door the other day in HMV by accident, i'll save myself the shame of posting what happened up on here but yeah...
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masterdon played at our place last night....very average
I can't sleep
damn scary movies!! *shakes fist* i went to see "Creep" on Friday night, and its safe to say i'm a total wimp when it comes to scary movies.
But maaan that movie took the biscut!! i keep checking behind doors i wont go downstairs after the lights are out..and everytime i hear the tinyest noise i wake up all panicy..its not fun...
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damn scary movies!! *shakes fist* i went to see "Creep" on Friday night, and its safe to say i'm a total wimp when it comes to scary movies.
But maaan that movie took the biscut!! i keep checking behind doors i wont go downstairs after the lights are out..and everytime i hear the tinyest noise i wake up all panicy..its not fun...
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Yes was scary buisness!! and thankies you too!

me me me me...and more me!!
I had super fun at the MCR and TBS gig, even if i did lose my voice
and end up in hospital the next day
my throat got all swollen and horrid stuff but they made me all better an let me come home again on friday morning
an owwee i got a new tattoo..
tis prettyfull..

an owwee i got a new tattoo..

Oooh, I really wanted to see MCR but I was too useless to get tickets in time

spose it wont help if i tell you they were so so so so sooo good live ? hehe

Sorry about the bad break (god, im so full of terrible puns today). Bounce back. Murrayfield is another concert right? Who is playing?
Did'ja get to the hospital and whatnot??
fuckin' cops!
Did this happen during a protest or concert or what???