I just heard back from a local group (Pittsburgh Organizing Group) who went to Miami for the FTAA protests. Here's what they said:
Please take a moment to read the below message about the events in Miami.
While everyone from Pittsburgh avoided arrest many were not so lucky.
After reading the below we are asking that you call or email our congressional Representative Mike Doyle to demand he support an federal investigation into the events in Miami and that he work to secure the release of those still arrested.
E-mail: rep.doyle@mail.house.gov
Washington Office:
Phone: (202) 225-2135
Main District Office:
Phone: (412) 241-6055
Those from Pittsburgh were subjected to: being tazered (electric stun gun), rubber bullets to the neck and body, pepper spray, tear gas, concussion grenades, baton blows to the face and body, and many other forms of violent repression. It was simply the closest thing to a police state any of us have witnessed- unprovoked assualts on participents and bystanders, 24 hr id checks and detainments throughout the city for simply walking on the sidewalk, thousands of police everywhere, 6+ helicopters overhead following individual groups of as few as 3 people throughout the city, armored police vehicles on street corners. The morning gathering was attacked by police, the Union event was attacked by police, the medic space to treat the injured was attacked by the police, the jail solidarity event was attacked by the police after the protests were over, and at least 140 people were injured with many head and face injuries. And after all that the reports from the arrested are starting to trickle out... ______________________________________________________________________
This weeks protests against the FTAA in Miami were met with a massive demonstration of state repression, with $8.5 million in US Government funding. The brunt of the brutality and repression seems to be targeted at anarchists, People of color, Queers and Transgendered people. At the beginning of the protest APOC (Anarchist People of Color) had a contingent of 30, now 20 of them have been arrested.
There are currently 98-150 people still in jail. Out of the APOC people arrested 5 were released and 7 or 8 are missing, 3 of which are high risk.
It has now been confirmed that virtually all Queers and People of color have been segregated and tortured in jail. In one case a male of color was beaten so badly that he had a brain hemmorage and is currently unconscious in the ICU of the hospital. Other released people have reported seeing an APOC person taken into a separate room in the middle of the night that never came back and is now missing. There was one APOC person that was not segregated from the white arrestees, but went to the hospital after being released and is now missing.
There were 4 or 5 transgendered APOC people in Miami, 2 of whom were arrested and abused but are now out. There are 4 confirmed cases of sexual assault. 1 unconfirmed report of rape and 1 unconfirmed report of forced oral sex. A transgendered person that was released reported having been asked to state their gender and was then put in the middle of the room and asked whether they had a dick or a pussy. The cops then smashed their head on the floor, ripped of their clothing and spread their legs.
In attempts to reduce solidarity within the jail white activists have been released relatively easily, generally with lower bails and misdemeanor charges. It is crucial that we show our complete solidarity with our comrades that are being harassed and tortured in jail.
Please take a moment to read the below message about the events in Miami.
While everyone from Pittsburgh avoided arrest many were not so lucky.
After reading the below we are asking that you call or email our congressional Representative Mike Doyle to demand he support an federal investigation into the events in Miami and that he work to secure the release of those still arrested.
E-mail: rep.doyle@mail.house.gov
Washington Office:
Phone: (202) 225-2135
Main District Office:
Phone: (412) 241-6055
Those from Pittsburgh were subjected to: being tazered (electric stun gun), rubber bullets to the neck and body, pepper spray, tear gas, concussion grenades, baton blows to the face and body, and many other forms of violent repression. It was simply the closest thing to a police state any of us have witnessed- unprovoked assualts on participents and bystanders, 24 hr id checks and detainments throughout the city for simply walking on the sidewalk, thousands of police everywhere, 6+ helicopters overhead following individual groups of as few as 3 people throughout the city, armored police vehicles on street corners. The morning gathering was attacked by police, the Union event was attacked by police, the medic space to treat the injured was attacked by the police, the jail solidarity event was attacked by the police after the protests were over, and at least 140 people were injured with many head and face injuries. And after all that the reports from the arrested are starting to trickle out... ______________________________________________________________________
This weeks protests against the FTAA in Miami were met with a massive demonstration of state repression, with $8.5 million in US Government funding. The brunt of the brutality and repression seems to be targeted at anarchists, People of color, Queers and Transgendered people. At the beginning of the protest APOC (Anarchist People of Color) had a contingent of 30, now 20 of them have been arrested.
There are currently 98-150 people still in jail. Out of the APOC people arrested 5 were released and 7 or 8 are missing, 3 of which are high risk.
It has now been confirmed that virtually all Queers and People of color have been segregated and tortured in jail. In one case a male of color was beaten so badly that he had a brain hemmorage and is currently unconscious in the ICU of the hospital. Other released people have reported seeing an APOC person taken into a separate room in the middle of the night that never came back and is now missing. There was one APOC person that was not segregated from the white arrestees, but went to the hospital after being released and is now missing.
There were 4 or 5 transgendered APOC people in Miami, 2 of whom were arrested and abused but are now out. There are 4 confirmed cases of sexual assault. 1 unconfirmed report of rape and 1 unconfirmed report of forced oral sex. A transgendered person that was released reported having been asked to state their gender and was then put in the middle of the room and asked whether they had a dick or a pussy. The cops then smashed their head on the floor, ripped of their clothing and spread their legs.
In attempts to reduce solidarity within the jail white activists have been released relatively easily, generally with lower bails and misdemeanor charges. It is crucial that we show our complete solidarity with our comrades that are being harassed and tortured in jail.
dude, my friend Vincent got shot in the back... how F'ed is that... rubber bullets aside... they where fucked kids up...
thats way fucked up.