it's snowing like a bastard...finally. i'm making presents like crazy. thinking about chopping my hair off...going sledding soon. going sledding at dusk. getting drunk on good wine later...hopefully. going to finish out the prisoner box set today. remember, no man is just a number.
the feeling of rot in my stomach is starting to become tiresome.
rot in your stomach? Have you been eating meat or cheese or something?
Good luck with that. Rot is never good.
Good luck with that. Rot is never good.
I'm sure the nor'easter isn't helping. Question: do they call every snow storm in the northeast a nor'easter? or is it only a particular kind?
fuck finding a job. at least for the rest of the week. i have knitting to do.
The first step toward overcoming your addiction is admitting you have a problem.
yeah dude,, work is for suckers...
quit job already. management insane. looking for new job today.
dude, whats that, like 4 days... shit, you keep jobs less then me... bleh...
If we lived in the same time, I'm convinced we be friends: we have the same work ethic
Good for you, there's no point staying in a sucky job. Except money. And you'd be amazed how little of that a person can live on.
Good for you, there's no point staying in a sucky job. Except money. And you'd be amazed how little of that a person can live on.
first day of work...blah.
1241th day of work! Rock!
Okay, what's your top three holiday movies? I'm polling out of curiousity and to see if I missed any good ones. Mine are:
1. Home for the Holidays
2. National Lampoon's XMas Vacation
3. Muppets XMas Carol
I don't even like XMas, but the movies are so cute, they give me inspiration to knit.
Oh, and I got a job. We'll see how this works...
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1. Home for the Holidays
2. National Lampoon's XMas Vacation
3. Muppets XMas Carol
I don't even like XMas, but the movies are so cute, they give me inspiration to knit.
Oh, and I got a job. We'll see how this works...
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A Chrismas Story
The Rudolph "claymation" special
Nightmare Before Christmas
- You'll shoot your eye out!
The Rudolph "claymation" special
Nightmare Before Christmas
- You'll shoot your eye out!
fuck that dude,,,, what about your favorite hanuka movies... your vice is a mini cooper... haha, my dad has an new old one... its wierd....
Yay! It snowed! There's almost a foot on the ground. Kali's having the best time running through it. Finally, winter's here!
yeah,,, you should come by my place before you go,,, i should be home... Remember,, its the big green house on the corner,,,, and if the GTI isnt out front, im not home....
dude, Scrooged is the Shit.. i love Bill Murry
I'm getting really tired of everything. I just want to sleep for years, and forget about ever feeling like this again.
Hi... just curious about Kali. She's adorable. Is she a p-bull? If not, what kind of special sweetness is she?
Oh and I hope you feel better soon.
Oh and I hope you feel better soon.
Hi... just curious about Kali. She's adorable. Is she a p-bull? If not, what kind of special sweetness is she?
Oh and I hope you feel better soon.
Oh and I hope you feel better soon.
For all of you yinzers that shop at the East End Food Coop, especially the members, I have some news.
As you may know, management has essentially crushed the union drive through misinformation and intimidation (what a surprise). Workers are now without past benefits, without a paid meal on shift (even though it costs only .50 cents per worker), and everyone's hours have been cut...
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As you may know, management has essentially crushed the union drive through misinformation and intimidation (what a surprise). Workers are now without past benefits, without a paid meal on shift (even though it costs only .50 cents per worker), and everyone's hours have been cut...
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geez, that blows.Good luck
Is it ever gonna fucking snow? That's my big question of the day. Did anyone go to the Bush protest? I found out Vegan Jihad and me are neighbors. So now when the feds come to indict him for being a terrorist (since any allusion to Middle Eastern culture certainly indicates one is "evil") I can watch the whole spectacle from my window.
You know that being in Pittsburgh, a slushy mess is right around the corner. Are you ready for endless weather reports and constant tunnel delays (even more than usual)?
I did not attend the Bush protest, as I am in Virginia, but I'm pleased to hear about every protest that takes place. I dont want those with short attention spans to forget around election time. Mmmhmmm.
Snow is good, as long a sit's deep, so I can be stuck in my house to do nothing. SWVA is infamous for our winter ice and curvy mountainous roads. Bad combo...
Snow is good, as long a sit's deep, so I can be stuck in my house to do nothing. SWVA is infamous for our winter ice and curvy mountainous roads. Bad combo...
Whelp, another day in on the job search quest. It was pretty humiliating all in all. Then I found out that I've been bumped off a research project I was promised, so it's all swears and scowls over here. I've started running again, which has actually been pretty cathartic. The only problem is I turn bright red when I run, so people literally stop and...
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hmm,,, ive got plans... but i dont ever stick to it strictly.... so, we'll see...
Running is good, running to insanely good music is better. As for the job/research thing, fuck them those fucking fucks.
Unturkey day went all right. My unturkey was gross...I'll not stray from Tofurky again. I got a new knitting book. I'm poor. That's about it.
dude, i'm trying to figure out how to make hats and socks and a bed for the cat. so what if i don't have a job and no cash-i've got inspiration! ha!
hmm, personally im not a fan of either....but i made a pretty decent casroel type dealy the other day, with tofu i froze in a vegan gravey, and a stuffing mix...
RE: the prisoner box set. What is that? Making gifts for prisoners? cool