If one more motherfucker tells me to 'Vote Obama' I will fucking strangle the life from them!
Why the fuck would anyone in their right goddamned mind vote for Barack Obama? Anyone?
Explain it to me!
Because here are several reasons not to:
1. Guilty by Association.
Besides being a great song with a great chorus 'Guilty by Association, judged by who I know' which by the fucking way the Liberals and the Democrats have been doing with the Bush Administration for the last, oh I don't fucking know 8 years!
It describes Barack Obama! Because and follow along my blind media fed friends:
He bought his house from Tony Rezko a Democratic Fundraiser convicted of bribery and fraud, a man with ties to a Lebanese man convicted of corruption in France. A man who was known as a goddamned slum lord (and Barack has spoken out against them!) and wrote a letter to help him get the funding for a project!
But Obama didn't do it as a favor, even though Rezko sold him some really cheap land! And his reply?
That wasn't the Tony Rezko I knew.
Jermiah Wright? You know the guy who blasts the white race and America from the pulpit, the man who met with Louis Farakhan (Who loves all white people! Who loves all Jews! That's sarcasm, you liberal sacks of shit!) and Colonel Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi (Who also loves America, and state sponsored Terrorism)!
The guy whose church Barack Obama sat in for twenty fucking years! Twenty fucking years! He writes books, he gives diatribes, he gives fucking speeches and meets with the enemies of America! And when questioned?
Obama gives a speech to deflect blame, and then claims this was not the Jeremiah Wright he knew for twenty years? This wasn't the man he knew? The guy you said was your mentor, the guy you prayed with when you announced you were running for president, the guy who married you? Who baptized your kid? The guy whose church you went to?
You didn't know him?
As I stated in a previous rant, the head of Barack Obama's Finance Committee was the head of a bank that went belly up costing the taxpayers of Chicago a few billion dollars after they made a ton of money from predtaory loans (something else Obama has stood against!), the guy he had reaching out to the arab community had toes to a terrorist mosque, and William Ayers (the domestic terrorist, but he was acquitted! Tell that to the families of the people killed by his Weather Underground, Whoopi Goldberg! I am sure it will comfort them!) holds his fundraisers!
He worked for ACORN, who lobbied hard for the sub-prime loans that collapsed our economy and the stock market! And you know were busted for voter fraud in a few states! But hey let me guess?
That wasn't the ACORN that he knew!
Yeah, let's ignore all these facts! Because by God, Dick Cheney was the head of Halliburton!
This war is to make money for the company he used to own!
Let me tell you something that a Democrat once fucking told me!
2. Democrats and Obama
This one is simple math.
Barack Obama has voted with the Democratic Party 96% of the time.
So when the Democrats stuff every bill with billions of dollars of pork, fill them with special interest money and bullshit, get billions of dollars from lobbyists and special inerests, including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac whose employees gave Barack Obama more money then anyone else!
Except Chris Dodd!
And by the way think on that: The Housing Giants who went broke after the Democrats who ran them make billions of dollars, who give billions of dollars to them in congress, whom the Democrats in the house voted against regulating!
Barack Obama is going to fix the problem! He's going to solve it, and fix the mortgage crisis! The crisis that his party certainly didn't stop before!
Sure he is, work with ACORN and the money they get from them not withstanding!
96% of the time, people! Go vote for fucking Change like a bunch of goddamned lemmings!
3. Obama-nomics
Barack Obama sits on my TV and tells me that he doesn't like GW's tax cuts, he doesn't like tax cuts because of tax cuts? We have a national deficit! Our national budget it's in the fucking red!
Obama is giving 95% of us a tax cut! In a country where the wealthiest 1% of people earn 19% of the income and pay 37% of the Income Tax! In a country where the wealthiest 10% pay 68% of the taxes! And the lower 50% of the population earn 13% of the income and pay 3% of income taxes!
Where is this fucking fair? Where is it fair?
Is it fair? Is this what we all want?
A cut on taxes most of us pay very little of? YAY! Hooray! He's a re-distributor!
By the way, how are these tax cuts going to fix the deficit!?! And finance Obama's socialist programs?
Oh, that's right! He wants to tax companies, and when he hikes their taxes up they will raise the prices on everything to protect a little something I call profits!
But that won't affect you will it? I mean if you're paying 5 bucks more for a t-shirt, at least your taxes were cut right?
Of course, it will probably be more then 5 bucks since the Democrats will want to raise Minimum Wage and Increase the Capitol Gains Tax which always increases inflation. Which means the prices of everything will go up, but hey?
You wanted Change right?
Didn't you?
Why the fuck would anyone in their right goddamned mind vote for Barack Obama? Anyone?
Explain it to me!
Because here are several reasons not to:
1. Guilty by Association.
Besides being a great song with a great chorus 'Guilty by Association, judged by who I know' which by the fucking way the Liberals and the Democrats have been doing with the Bush Administration for the last, oh I don't fucking know 8 years!
It describes Barack Obama! Because and follow along my blind media fed friends:
He bought his house from Tony Rezko a Democratic Fundraiser convicted of bribery and fraud, a man with ties to a Lebanese man convicted of corruption in France. A man who was known as a goddamned slum lord (and Barack has spoken out against them!) and wrote a letter to help him get the funding for a project!
But Obama didn't do it as a favor, even though Rezko sold him some really cheap land! And his reply?
That wasn't the Tony Rezko I knew.
Jermiah Wright? You know the guy who blasts the white race and America from the pulpit, the man who met with Louis Farakhan (Who loves all white people! Who loves all Jews! That's sarcasm, you liberal sacks of shit!) and Colonel Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi (Who also loves America, and state sponsored Terrorism)!
The guy whose church Barack Obama sat in for twenty fucking years! Twenty fucking years! He writes books, he gives diatribes, he gives fucking speeches and meets with the enemies of America! And when questioned?
Obama gives a speech to deflect blame, and then claims this was not the Jeremiah Wright he knew for twenty years? This wasn't the man he knew? The guy you said was your mentor, the guy you prayed with when you announced you were running for president, the guy who married you? Who baptized your kid? The guy whose church you went to?
You didn't know him?
As I stated in a previous rant, the head of Barack Obama's Finance Committee was the head of a bank that went belly up costing the taxpayers of Chicago a few billion dollars after they made a ton of money from predtaory loans (something else Obama has stood against!), the guy he had reaching out to the arab community had toes to a terrorist mosque, and William Ayers (the domestic terrorist, but he was acquitted! Tell that to the families of the people killed by his Weather Underground, Whoopi Goldberg! I am sure it will comfort them!) holds his fundraisers!
He worked for ACORN, who lobbied hard for the sub-prime loans that collapsed our economy and the stock market! And you know were busted for voter fraud in a few states! But hey let me guess?
That wasn't the ACORN that he knew!
Yeah, let's ignore all these facts! Because by God, Dick Cheney was the head of Halliburton!
This war is to make money for the company he used to own!
Let me tell you something that a Democrat once fucking told me!
2. Democrats and Obama
This one is simple math.
Barack Obama has voted with the Democratic Party 96% of the time.
So when the Democrats stuff every bill with billions of dollars of pork, fill them with special interest money and bullshit, get billions of dollars from lobbyists and special inerests, including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac whose employees gave Barack Obama more money then anyone else!
Except Chris Dodd!
And by the way think on that: The Housing Giants who went broke after the Democrats who ran them make billions of dollars, who give billions of dollars to them in congress, whom the Democrats in the house voted against regulating!
Barack Obama is going to fix the problem! He's going to solve it, and fix the mortgage crisis! The crisis that his party certainly didn't stop before!
Sure he is, work with ACORN and the money they get from them not withstanding!
96% of the time, people! Go vote for fucking Change like a bunch of goddamned lemmings!
3. Obama-nomics
Barack Obama sits on my TV and tells me that he doesn't like GW's tax cuts, he doesn't like tax cuts because of tax cuts? We have a national deficit! Our national budget it's in the fucking red!
Obama is giving 95% of us a tax cut! In a country where the wealthiest 1% of people earn 19% of the income and pay 37% of the Income Tax! In a country where the wealthiest 10% pay 68% of the taxes! And the lower 50% of the population earn 13% of the income and pay 3% of income taxes!
Where is this fucking fair? Where is it fair?
Is it fair? Is this what we all want?
A cut on taxes most of us pay very little of? YAY! Hooray! He's a re-distributor!
By the way, how are these tax cuts going to fix the deficit!?! And finance Obama's socialist programs?
Oh, that's right! He wants to tax companies, and when he hikes their taxes up they will raise the prices on everything to protect a little something I call profits!
But that won't affect you will it? I mean if you're paying 5 bucks more for a t-shirt, at least your taxes were cut right?
Of course, it will probably be more then 5 bucks since the Democrats will want to raise Minimum Wage and Increase the Capitol Gains Tax which always increases inflation. Which means the prices of everything will go up, but hey?
You wanted Change right?
Didn't you?
(try and strangle me, pantywaiste)