I want to begin by wishing everyone a happy New Year. I wish I could share a hilarious whiskey-infused New Year's Eve story, but I had a change of pace this year. Instead, I had a quiet night preparing for the wedding I catered yesterday. I will admit that I do kinda feel hungover; as a result of busting my ass yesterday. It could be worse; at least I'm not dehydrated.
Because I feel retarded tonight, I decided to spend my Friday night curling my hair, and taking shirtless selfies. Sad part is, my hair curled better tonight than it has in weeks, and no one will get to witness these curls in person. Luckily, I have the opportunity to show it to you fine people; and that makes me feel good about this situation.
I'm excited for the new year. Especially, for my newest endevour of becoming a sgh. Hopefully, luck will strike me in the ass, and you all will love me, and Ill become a full-fledged sg. Then again, I was born on Friday the 13th, and I have the worst luck on the planet; so, it's highly unlikely.
Anyway, I wish you all the best of luck this year. And I look forward to sharing my crazy life, and nude physique with you guys. Thanks for listening, and looking😉