- on reasa's photo
- on ismo's page
- on Panties! in ass appreciation
- on reasa's photo
- on Friday the 13th tattoos? in tattoo
- on What Made You Into a Horror Fan? in horror
I want to begin by wishing everyone a happy New Year. I wish I could share a hilarious whiskey-infused New Year's Eve story, but I had a change of pace this year. Instead, I had a quiet night preparing for the wedding I catered yesterday. I will admit that I do kinda feel hungover; as a result of busting my ass yesterday. It could be...
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About four years ago, I graduated from college. I became ill at the time, so I decided to take a breather from my field; nursing. I'll admit that I was pretty lost. Luckily, I wasn't jobless since I've worked at the same restaurant since I was 15.
Shortly after I graduated, I became bored, and decided that I needed to find a hobby. A friend...
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I hate admitting this, but I guess you could call me spoiled. I blame my single, working-class mother for shoving tons of Christmas joy under the tree every year for me and my brother. She's always strived to make my dreams come true.
Unfortunately, things were a little different this year. My mom is a diabetic who has had a pesky foot ulcer that has
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Today kicks off the first day of the last weekend before Christmas. Aaahhhh! Around this time I'm usually wandering aimlessly around my apartment, while I think of all of the things that need to be done that I'm not doing; I get distracted easily.
My friends and I decided to save money, and make gifts for each other. Of course everyone wants a painting, and...
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I realize that this title can be a bit misleading, considering I am far from a virgin. However, I am one of SG's newest hopefuls; therefore, I'm still trying to figure out how to pop my cherry. My set, "A bright, sun shiny day" comes out in four months, 3 weeks.
If I wasn't an artist who was spending most of her free time making
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