I've figured it out- i don't like my sat partner.
It's a combination of things really.
She's got a semi-bad attitude: she complains about doing calls, whether it's busy or not. I'm of the school that I get paid to do calls, that's what the company pays me for. Now, you can tell I'm not exactly a company man, but whatever.
She's stupid: too many different examples to choose from to illustrate that point.
I don't kno why this point bothers me so much: she gives the "BLS hand rub" like it's going out of style, maybe this pisses me off because I question her skills- yet she's starting medic school soon. It's one of those "I fear for the future" type things- hell maybe she won't pass.
Lastly for now qnd probably the most annoying: she chews with her mouth open. I'm talking full on cow chomping with the noises and all that shit. You can ask Josh how much that annoys me.
Now my tue partner also does the chewing thing, but I t tolerate it better with her, why? She's got a much better attitude, is super nice and caring and all I have to do is occasionally out up with her "what is this guy thinking?" or "why do guys do this?" type questions. I also can't ever forget that she's a mother of 4 and a firefighter for 2 towns. Why can't I ever forget these facts? She tells any and everybody that shows just a bit of interest- which happens to be 99% of the people we come into contact with
That's it, I think I'm done ranting now
It's a combination of things really.
She's got a semi-bad attitude: she complains about doing calls, whether it's busy or not. I'm of the school that I get paid to do calls, that's what the company pays me for. Now, you can tell I'm not exactly a company man, but whatever.
She's stupid: too many different examples to choose from to illustrate that point.
I don't kno why this point bothers me so much: she gives the "BLS hand rub" like it's going out of style, maybe this pisses me off because I question her skills- yet she's starting medic school soon. It's one of those "I fear for the future" type things- hell maybe she won't pass.
Lastly for now qnd probably the most annoying: she chews with her mouth open. I'm talking full on cow chomping with the noises and all that shit. You can ask Josh how much that annoys me.
Now my tue partner also does the chewing thing, but I t tolerate it better with her, why? She's got a much better attitude, is super nice and caring and all I have to do is occasionally out up with her "what is this guy thinking?" or "why do guys do this?" type questions. I also can't ever forget that she's a mother of 4 and a firefighter for 2 towns. Why can't I ever forget these facts? She tells any and everybody that shows just a bit of interest- which happens to be 99% of the people we come into contact with
That's it, I think I'm done ranting now
And speaking of... How is my favorite Jessie Boudreau ex?