I've gotten out late a majority of my shifts, by an hour or so. Least amt was last night with 40 minutes. I still banged out. Fuck them.
I got written up for "PTO" abuse the other day for the first time I banged on a wed and then the following Sat. I explained the wed and of course sat was the day Patty's mom died, so I'm in the clear. I'm waiting for them to catch on to what I'm doing. Let's see, I only bang out on either wed or thur. Always after I get out over 30 minutes late. When I call in and tell them why, I use the same reason. Sooner or later the powers that be will figure it out- I figure in about 10 years, dumbasses
fuck that place, they're lower than last on my priorities.
Unpacked/ getting ready to move the shit we had stashed away here. I forgot just how much weaponry I had

can't wait for the new place- yea, moving this shit up 3 floors will suck, and unpacking for a year after will suck, but we'll be on our own again.
weaponry huh....interesting.