officially have the stick back, so that's good
I hate AMR. It's not my fault the dispatchers at night have a 1/4 of a brain combined. I signed off at the station after getting back from Templeton, never thought anything of it. Well apparently it's my job to triple check to make sure they are doing their job. I get a call at 11pm *mind you, I"m off at midnight*
the typical bitchy, "can I talk to so and so"
yea, that's me
"did you sign off signal 10 (back in quarters)"
"did someone acknowledge you?"
bitch then gave me a call to fucking Pembroke. it's 1.5 hours away. I didn't get back into the fucking station till 0330ish.
actually drank a mountain dew. So what you say? I don't drink caffeine ask joshxxx
since I was very lucid on the way back thanks to the drink, my partner and I talked the entire way up. I learned some fun facts:
she never gave or recieved oral until she was 43. how the fuck do you do that?
there was more, but I was stuck on that.
I got a half hour nap in and that was it, I decided i needed to get a good night's sleep, so I banged out of the shift tonight. as a matter of fact, I think I might take a nap now, I'm not sure
I hate AMR. It's not my fault the dispatchers at night have a 1/4 of a brain combined. I signed off at the station after getting back from Templeton, never thought anything of it. Well apparently it's my job to triple check to make sure they are doing their job. I get a call at 11pm *mind you, I"m off at midnight*
the typical bitchy, "can I talk to so and so"
yea, that's me
"did you sign off signal 10 (back in quarters)"
"did someone acknowledge you?"
bitch then gave me a call to fucking Pembroke. it's 1.5 hours away. I didn't get back into the fucking station till 0330ish.
actually drank a mountain dew. So what you say? I don't drink caffeine ask joshxxx
since I was very lucid on the way back thanks to the drink, my partner and I talked the entire way up. I learned some fun facts:
she never gave or recieved oral until she was 43. how the fuck do you do that?
there was more, but I was stuck on that.
I got a half hour nap in and that was it, I decided i needed to get a good night's sleep, so I banged out of the shift tonight. as a matter of fact, I think I might take a nap now, I'm not sure