That girl i was sorta seeing, well, she dumped me.

So now im single again.

Nevermind, im buying a new guitar to cheer myself up.

Don't you just hate the feeling you get when you find out your ex is seeing someone new. It's a feeling i shouldn't be having, she said she wanted to be single and is now seeing someone. I guess in all fairness it has been 6 months since we broke up.

I know i'm sorta seeing someone now, but thats all it is, sorta seeing...
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That's all rather shitty m'dear surreal Poor you. Although I can honestly say the only feelings I've felt when an ex has started seeing someone new is pity for the new gf! Lol biggrin

- syrup -
Okay, yeah, i admit it, i've been bad and not been updating eeek

WEll, its been a busy few weeks. Honest it has!!

It hasn't, i've just been too lazy. Not been up to much, just working and seeing Morganna. OOOh and i got a new phone cos my old one is now deaded.

Might update soon. ARRR!!!
tut tut

more effort is required young man!
Just a quick update.

I've been really busy lately even though i've just had an entire week off work. So many plans all puit to death by the fact i kinda hooked up witha girl early on in the week and spent a lot of it with her. heh heh smile

Shes really cool. Proper goth/rock chick. I like her biggrin

Thats all for now, update again...
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wooo, a laaaaydeee
I'm actually in a really good mood today. There was a bit of an argument with my parents yesterday about how i don't look after my car. Its really there car on extended loan to me sorta. That all died down fairly quickly which was kinda cool.

So today I decide to go down to Halford's with my dad cos i had nothing better to...
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You lucky little man! biggrin

- syrup -
Yeha i guess, shame its so expensive though!!!
Well, my illness made the decision for me.

It wasn't houseparty.

It wassn't club.

It was sit at home and do fucking nothing all sodding day.

On the plus side got an IM off an old friend of mine so that was cool.
My throat hurts. I think im coming down with something. puke

Help me decide, house party on saturday? or rock club??

house party,then club...I want it all!
Well, i managed to get me some yesterday biggrin

Wasn't even planning to. Just went down to the pub with my best mate and was joined later by a friend i used to work with. She then invited along another girl we both used to work with (who used to boss me around a lot, but me and her get on pretty well now!!)

So we're...
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AAhhh the boredom.

No-ones on MSN.

Cant find any DVD's i want to watch.

Bored of most of my computer games.

Ah well, time for an early night i guess!!

Exs suck.

I woke up this morning having had a dream about my most recent one again. I keep thinking that im over her and then stuff like this happens. It make me feel shit.

It's the usual story with all the usual questions. What did i do wrong? Am i really that disposable? Does she feel like i do?

Ah well, just need more...
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becaaaaause mr sarky, the door is broken tongue

exs are just inate evil, dont question yourself!
First Guitarport achievement!!

Well, its not much but i just learned the intro to Last Resort.

Yes, the Papa Roach one.

Hey!!! Stop laughing whatever

UPDATE - Just amanged to play My Own Summer all the way through with the backing track. biggrin biggrin biggrin yay me!! biggrin
I don't remember what Last Resort goes like... I rock tongue Hehe. Anywho, how long have you been playing guitar for?



- syrup -
I'm listening to 'Sounding the Seventh Trumpet' by Avenged Sevenfold, its good smile not really listened to it properly before.

I've also decided I need a happier picture, i'll have to try and find time to crack a smile and then take one lol

If you haven't guessed im actually pretty bored at the moment.

Think i'll go tidy my room.......... ARRR!!!
tidy your room shocked

theres no excuse for that!
Yeah I never bothered with that in the end!

I decided to just mess around on my pc instead biggrin