1: I love to pick, pop, & squeeze zits- especially my partners'!

2: I love cat breath: The stinkier, the better.

3: I never liked eating meat because I think of all the layers of various types of epithelial tissues (simple squamous, cuboidal, etc.)- not really an ethical thing, I just always thought it was weird! *(now I try to just eat organic though)

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Haha I forgot about the all girls school part. That would've been way cooler, if I went to an all girls school. 😈😎

Hello SG Land! I meant to blog the other day but have found myself running around getting into what have you. I'm currently at my boyfriend's parents' house dogsitting his pretty pit Stella Blue (he got her in college and had to leave her with his parents. He was not in a good place there). So, I am ready to get stuff off my chest!...
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This was a very interesting read. I think it's awesome you have a degree in Philosophy, I find it to be a fascinating study myself. When it comes to the smell of cat breath can't say I know it but I will say it doesn't bother me all that much :P

Hellllloooo my lovely inhabitants of SG Land! I hope you are all having a very wonderful day/evening :-)

So, I have a few things I wanted to write about today, but I am going to dedicate this particular blog to tattoo aftercare. Particularly, Tatu-Derm. I had never heard of such a thing until yesterday.

Also, as a disclaimer, I feel that I may have a...
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That seems odd - the total sealing of the area so it collects fluids.  Tegaderm is a group of dressings used in the medical world.  They make just about everything from bandages to IV covers(similar to what you've described.  The thing to keep in mind is that their antimicrobial covering is just that - antimicrobial.  It's a thin, triple anti-biotic soaked gauze pad that is great for dressings, but there is some thoughts that they may aid the body in rejecting the ink.  They also make a breathable version that may be useful too.  Short version - the fluids collecting seems strange, but they also seem to know what they're doing.

Hi everyone! I am so ecstatic just to have you all take time to check out my page and read my blog. I have been interested in SG for years, & just had my debut set accepted into MR queue last night.

I actually shot my debut set with Scott Smallin (will have to link him later) 5 or 6 months back during the summer,...
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Knowing how to spell ecstatic should totally give you extra points on your journey to become pink ;) Welcome to SG! If you're looking for fellow freaks together with tolerance/acceptance, you've certainly come to right place. They have boobs here?! Oh, interesting; I've only read the articles so far... :-P
@husk you give me all the happiness!