Hi sugas! So I decided to break up my blog into a few segments today. I thought Punk Rock Jesus was a bit long to tack everything else on to. In this blog I will be discussing my fondness (& others' hate) of underarm hair.
Also, if anyone knows how to or knows of an individual who can create astral birth charts, give me a shout! I have been longing for my chart for some time, & am prepared to take the steps necessary to acquire such. :)
So, as of recently, people who dye their arm pit hair have been getting a lot of attention. And they should! It is different, colorful, & fun. A new way to jazz up your look & the ol' pits. I don't see anything wrong with it, but it seems as if I am one of few.
The first wave of hate that I noticed, is from the general public. People are just grossed out by hair under there (or anywhere)- fine, whatever. That is the look for most of society, hairless all over. I get that most people are going to bash what is different. This isn't so shocking, but still upsetting over something so harmless.
The second wave of hate is from people who think that others dye their armpit hair for attention or for fashion. My first note, who cares. If someone wants to dye the hair on their head, why can't they dye the hair in their pits? It probably isn't for attention, it's probably because they have think it looks cool. Second note, whether someone does it for fashion or not, who cares? It's their life. Style is a personal thing. No one can tell you that your own personal style is "wrong" or "bad"- how you express yourself is solely up to you and you alone. I enjoy fashion, I think self-expression is the most fun thing in the world. I am constantly changing my look, because I am so inspired by the different looks I see every day! I have learned and been exposed to so many cool things through the alt community, and am so thankful I am able to experiment so much. I change my look because I enjoy it and because I think it looks awesome. I don't enjoy fashion because it is for other people. To me, fashion has never been for other people. It is there to inspire!
The third wave of hate, is what really grinds my gears. It came from a person who is a part of the alternative community, & whose partner is tied to this community. Today an individual was publicly shaming women who dye their armpit hair. I just couldn't believe it. As a part of the alternative & SG communities alike, & just as my disposition has always been, I pride myself on being an open, accepting, and loving person. Why should I judge or hate someone else for the way they choose to decorate their physical body? It just doesn't make sense to me. So many people throw judgement & hate at people in these communities, for the way that we look. It truly hurt me to see that someone who is a part of this community would so openly hate other people for a simple choice of dress.
Last note on this topic: The general opinion is that people are dying their under arm hair because it is a "trend." You know why this is classified as a trend? Because at this time in history, we have social media. We have internet. We have the option to look at every single person with armpit rainbows with the click of a button. One person did it, another person was inspired and did it. It still does not mean that the are doing it for anyone but themselves. People have been doing this for who knows how long, but people classify it as "trendy" because now the general public is taking notice.
Stop the hate! Mind your own armpits.
I love my under arm hair, it makes me feel feminine, powerful & wild. I plan on dying it in the future because I think it looks awesome. Power to the pits!