Hellloooo my SG Land loves! I hope all is well in your respective circles.
I have missed writing to you guys! Today I will be writing about some new comics I picked up.
So, Punk Rock Jesus....
My love & I definitely pride ourselves on our bookcase. New, old, used, vintage, hardback, softback, family heirloom, fantasy, reality, whatever- we love books. Our trip to the comic book store last week resulted in our proud new additions: Punk Rock Jesus (S Murphy), ODY-C (have to find it.. dudeson hid it in the shelf somewhere), and Before Watchmen: Minutemen & Silk Spectre (D Cooke & A Conner).
ODY-C- This is the first issue of their first edition, which I found pretty exciting. Truthfully, I plucked it from the shelves for it's gorgeous art: outrageous color, a lot of swirls and impressionistic-ish vibes. The very first page folds out into about a ten page spread including a big-bang style map & timeline of the book's universe & major events. Couldn't tell you much more than that off the top of my head. Can't wait to update you guys & gals on that one!
Watchmen: MM & SS- Completes our Watchmen collection for now. I really enjoyed the Comedian & Rorshac's stories, so I am looking forward to this one.
Punk Rock Jesus- Ah, so this is what I have been excited to share with you all! I'm actually pretty sure that I saw a review about this book years ago & made a mental note to read it that got shoved into the cobwebs of my mind. The title & cover (a punk rocker against an upside-down cross, super colorful & ransom/graffiti texts) is what got me to pick it up this time around. The book also boasts some pretty fantastic reviews.
I am going to delve into the idea of the story & the first 50 pages that I have gotten thru to give you all an idea of what it is about. I am REALLY enjoying it so far, & I hope some of you will, too!
So, the premise is that an American television channel bought the rights to clone the DNA from the Shroud of Turin, thus, supposedly cloning Jesus Christ. Fast-forward to his teens: Jesus becomes an atheist & starts a punk rock band, & sets out to smash the system.
The book brings many questions & terrifying implications to the surface: Political, religious, scientific, social, biological, and all sorts of ethical. It deals with many of the questions we face in society today (i.e.: "Is it acceptable to manipulate DNA to create 'designer babies'?") The book, so it seems thus far, is based in science. It depicts accurately extremist nuts from both ends, liberal or conservative, and those who remain ignorant to the happenings of the world.
Being raised Catholic but being the only one who chose to break from the Church in my family, this book really strikes a chord with me. It is definitely a page turner.
Has anyone else read it? Would love to discuss this gem!