Ah, friends moving away sucks. It always takes the most inner feelings in you and makes you vomit them all over the place.
I'm not talking about being all embarassing and telling someone stuff you always wanted to tell them but waited until last minute, that's lame I try to never do that.
I'm jus talkin about really close friends leaving and then not seeing them for a long whiles.
Even if I am moving down to Southern Cali at the end of the year, regardless. SUCKS!!!!
I did meet a real sweetie though, everyone say hi to randiliscious, she's great.
Anyway, people moving sucks, that the moral of today's story kids.
I'm not talking about being all embarassing and telling someone stuff you always wanted to tell them but waited until last minute, that's lame I try to never do that.
I'm jus talkin about really close friends leaving and then not seeing them for a long whiles.
Even if I am moving down to Southern Cali at the end of the year, regardless. SUCKS!!!!
I did meet a real sweetie though, everyone say hi to randiliscious, she's great.
Anyway, people moving sucks, that the moral of today's story kids.
yeah a ton of my friend are graduating and moving on to the real world and all over the contry come the end of the semester it sucks but good friends will always be with us no matte rhow far away they are