How Much Beer Can One Canadian City Consume...?
In Vancouver, I live in the epicentre of the, "Olympic Zoo", The Granville Street Liquor zone. Where all the Bars, Nightclubs, Hostels, - And Bars /Nightclubs Masqurading as Resturants. The Fast food joints, Triple XXX Stores, Skateboarder - Posh Athletic stores, Neon Facades of the live and movie theatres. They've even added street lighting to the lamp posts here... ( which I think draws away from the beautiful Neon that covers the buildings down the street.)
It's fun place to live for someone like me...single...working in theatre... Mostly young film and music hipsters live in all the upstairs apartments over the Sushi stores and Pizza joints in my block. Until the day after the opening ceromonies.
Well...It's getting ugly just outside my door.... last night there was a fight... not just any old drunk BF beats Single dude who's makin his girl fight - A real, drunken Jock Olympic brawl ( with the crowd shouting C-A-N-A-D-A!!! and U-S-A!!! while 4 guys beat the tar out of each other... ) The circle of jocks and GF's watching the rumble stopped the Taxis dead in the street, and we all called the Cops.
Result - NOTHING.. the Sports Brawl went on and off for 20 minutes. While, 2 blocks up the street Cops had blocked off the way to turn north Ganville into a pedestrian walk way... That's a Wednesday???!!! You know what it's telling me.... the cops are just as overwhelmed as the Spare change guys. At least the Canucks ( Canadian Team ) are winning...there was even a shoot out tonight... for the next spot on the medal round.
But, what happens if the Canadians make it to the medal round... and they lose....
I live in the riot Zone.
In Vancouver, I live in the epicentre of the, "Olympic Zoo", The Granville Street Liquor zone. Where all the Bars, Nightclubs, Hostels, - And Bars /Nightclubs Masqurading as Resturants. The Fast food joints, Triple XXX Stores, Skateboarder - Posh Athletic stores, Neon Facades of the live and movie theatres. They've even added street lighting to the lamp posts here... ( which I think draws away from the beautiful Neon that covers the buildings down the street.)
It's fun place to live for someone like me...single...working in theatre... Mostly young film and music hipsters live in all the upstairs apartments over the Sushi stores and Pizza joints in my block. Until the day after the opening ceromonies.
Well...It's getting ugly just outside my door.... last night there was a fight... not just any old drunk BF beats Single dude who's makin his girl fight - A real, drunken Jock Olympic brawl ( with the crowd shouting C-A-N-A-D-A!!! and U-S-A!!! while 4 guys beat the tar out of each other... ) The circle of jocks and GF's watching the rumble stopped the Taxis dead in the street, and we all called the Cops.
Result - NOTHING.. the Sports Brawl went on and off for 20 minutes. While, 2 blocks up the street Cops had blocked off the way to turn north Ganville into a pedestrian walk way... That's a Wednesday???!!! You know what it's telling me.... the cops are just as overwhelmed as the Spare change guys. At least the Canucks ( Canadian Team ) are winning...there was even a shoot out tonight... for the next spot on the medal round.
But, what happens if the Canadians make it to the medal round... and they lose....
I live in the riot Zone.