Ohne Wunsch - Without Desire

I went out night clubbing tonight.. It's been a long time since I've been to Sanctuary or Sin City the 2 alternative nights that I've frequented in the past. The length of the show, how it's burned me up... consumed me ( Les Mis has this way of consuming you... The truly masocistic Musical theatre type I am. I can't help it. - there's a reason it gets Standing ovations every night and I see matinee patrons go straight out the front door... down to box office to see when they can get more tickets for themselves or friends ) It's a moving experience.
And, more importantly over the last three weeks... spending so much of the other time with Beautiful Catherine ( yeah... I'm smitten...I missed not having the experience of her.. as part of me...after the show ends, as she's very busy and understandibly, very tired. ) So, going out dancing was this wonderful experience of not meeting girls... And more importantly... not caring to... just being and dancing.
No desperate desire... really.. none what so ever. Looking across the dance floor I could only think... I wish she was here.. and....She's so much more than any of thease women dancing or posing before me at this moment.
It was very freeing... I just danced... with an open soul.

I went out night clubbing tonight.. It's been a long time since I've been to Sanctuary or Sin City the 2 alternative nights that I've frequented in the past. The length of the show, how it's burned me up... consumed me ( Les Mis has this way of consuming you... The truly masocistic Musical theatre type I am. I can't help it. - there's a reason it gets Standing ovations every night and I see matinee patrons go straight out the front door... down to box office to see when they can get more tickets for themselves or friends ) It's a moving experience.
And, more importantly over the last three weeks... spending so much of the other time with Beautiful Catherine ( yeah... I'm smitten...I missed not having the experience of her.. as part of me...after the show ends, as she's very busy and understandibly, very tired. ) So, going out dancing was this wonderful experience of not meeting girls... And more importantly... not caring to... just being and dancing.
No desperate desire... really.. none what so ever. Looking across the dance floor I could only think... I wish she was here.. and....She's so much more than any of thease women dancing or posing before me at this moment.
It was very freeing... I just danced... with an open soul.