Kid Rock...

Some days just rock....
A nice easy 10am start... a good experienced road crew. And as it's double time sunday. All the senior cats and touring monsters ( Greame... taking a break from The Cure Tour and Dave off Theory of Dead-man ) from the local were out in force. After a few weeks out of the big house, which is closed for repair. Or off tour for the summer. So, it was all the dedicated ones. The good old guys, and girls who still love to set up shows and were chomping for a bit of the action.
Seriously... my job is a bit of an addiction. And it's all nice to know I'm not alone. That others, even older than me get a rush still. It makes me feel pretty good about the idea growing old and getting a rush out of it still.
Plus, we all have this sort of simpatico. Like an old Baseball team, back out on the dusty diamond again. It's something that an old style seniority list helps foster. Yeah, we bitch about the order and the gig from time to time. But, we we all, for the most part still like, LOVE our jobs. And we have to get along. So, after so many years... we know who we instantly work well with. ( I could care less about the idea of Highschool reunions.... I hid in the Darkroom at school or in the Drama Room. Out of mostly fear and ridicule for being different. It just took one or two threats.. and a few Locker imprisonments... when everyone knew I was the sacrificial target that year but never stood up to them. I divorced myself of high-school friends before the last year was out. So, wouldn't know any of my old classmates if I walked into them on the street. But, my union brothers and sisters.. hell yeah!!! Reunions all round..... every show!!!! )
After such a great set up I went down to the cecil to drop in on a few friends who get me... The bartender, his GF and one of the ( i thought....the waitresses ) Only to find him and his GF not there. And more shockingly... the waitress I'd been chatting to at another bar turned out to be the days feature.
I have to admit a certain fascination about strippers. It's that grass is always greener situation. Women who are comfortable with their bodies enough to be naked in a open setting. Well, I admire that a great deal. Because, really I love looking at a woman's body. Especially when they're very sleak. I mean really why look at Ferraris or own one when you can look or be with a beautiful woman.
and I think there's envy there too.... I envy the power they have over me.. women I lust or love. That's the other side of being hurt. That amazement and envy over the ability of her curves to guide my thoughts and dreams. - Of course it's always better to dream - reality takes it's toll on what seems so perfect from afar. It's like looking at the wonder of white gloves... knowing full well that they cover dirty hands.
But, I digress... I was chatting with this stripper in between her dancing. And it was super fun as she's just a fully admitted narcissistic personality. And as we watched other dancers while we chatted. It was so buoying. Almost like sex but nothing near it. Something just a little better for that day. One of the dancers previous had a bit of a fan club... who put down a 20 dollar bill for the pleasure of her naked attention. So, when my friend went back to dance I had to answer their antee. A plunked down my own 20 dollar bill.
She licked her pretty little perfect breasts and slinkily laid down onto it. Sticking it to her chest in perfect time to the music. This prompted wolfs and whistles and more cash in hand from my competitors. Which left her with triple the money of her earlier, pretty compatriot.
But, I had to leave as I have to go back and tear down the show....

Some days just rock....
A nice easy 10am start... a good experienced road crew. And as it's double time sunday. All the senior cats and touring monsters ( Greame... taking a break from The Cure Tour and Dave off Theory of Dead-man ) from the local were out in force. After a few weeks out of the big house, which is closed for repair. Or off tour for the summer. So, it was all the dedicated ones. The good old guys, and girls who still love to set up shows and were chomping for a bit of the action.
Seriously... my job is a bit of an addiction. And it's all nice to know I'm not alone. That others, even older than me get a rush still. It makes me feel pretty good about the idea growing old and getting a rush out of it still.
Plus, we all have this sort of simpatico. Like an old Baseball team, back out on the dusty diamond again. It's something that an old style seniority list helps foster. Yeah, we bitch about the order and the gig from time to time. But, we we all, for the most part still like, LOVE our jobs. And we have to get along. So, after so many years... we know who we instantly work well with. ( I could care less about the idea of Highschool reunions.... I hid in the Darkroom at school or in the Drama Room. Out of mostly fear and ridicule for being different. It just took one or two threats.. and a few Locker imprisonments... when everyone knew I was the sacrificial target that year but never stood up to them. I divorced myself of high-school friends before the last year was out. So, wouldn't know any of my old classmates if I walked into them on the street. But, my union brothers and sisters.. hell yeah!!! Reunions all round..... every show!!!! )
After such a great set up I went down to the cecil to drop in on a few friends who get me... The bartender, his GF and one of the ( i thought....the waitresses ) Only to find him and his GF not there. And more shockingly... the waitress I'd been chatting to at another bar turned out to be the days feature.
I have to admit a certain fascination about strippers. It's that grass is always greener situation. Women who are comfortable with their bodies enough to be naked in a open setting. Well, I admire that a great deal. Because, really I love looking at a woman's body. Especially when they're very sleak. I mean really why look at Ferraris or own one when you can look or be with a beautiful woman.
and I think there's envy there too.... I envy the power they have over me.. women I lust or love. That's the other side of being hurt. That amazement and envy over the ability of her curves to guide my thoughts and dreams. - Of course it's always better to dream - reality takes it's toll on what seems so perfect from afar. It's like looking at the wonder of white gloves... knowing full well that they cover dirty hands.
But, I digress... I was chatting with this stripper in between her dancing. And it was super fun as she's just a fully admitted narcissistic personality. And as we watched other dancers while we chatted. It was so buoying. Almost like sex but nothing near it. Something just a little better for that day. One of the dancers previous had a bit of a fan club... who put down a 20 dollar bill for the pleasure of her naked attention. So, when my friend went back to dance I had to answer their antee. A plunked down my own 20 dollar bill.
She licked her pretty little perfect breasts and slinkily laid down onto it. Sticking it to her chest in perfect time to the music. This prompted wolfs and whistles and more cash in hand from my competitors. Which left her with triple the money of her earlier, pretty compatriot.
But, I had to leave as I have to go back and tear down the show....
I teach beginning pole dancing...I think you either have the power or not