Mark Knophler

I love working with British crews....
Years ago way back in 88, when I was fresh out of college. I was working for a sad little lighting rental company ( Which will remain unnamed ) And we were hired to empty our shop of every piece of aluminum trussing available and send it down to B.C. Place Stadium. As the huge monster WHO tour needed more... for a huge black backdrop to hide the seating backstage.
Keener that I was, I went down there with with the 5 tonne, volunteering to see if they needed help unloading. Hoping to see a bit of the big rock show, and maybe get some real work. But, at the loading bay of the venue I was told, rather rudely and in no uncertain terms that I was a scab. And not to help unload the truck by the shows union crew. ( Ironically I now work with alot of the local guys who gave me that attitude back then. ) Which as a young kid, I guess that kind reception, must have noticeably upset me.
Beside where they were all laying out the box truss. The Who's Stage crew chief was prepping band gear. And as I stood there stupidly wondering how to disappear into space. He sort of comforted me, and told me in his odd english brogue. Not to listen to those old local farts, who were nobodies anyway. But, I got such a cold shoulder from them that I took myself out of there. And went to see my my GF instead of hanging out. I couldn't for the life of me remember his name from all those years ago... but I remember the tool case he was using as his traveling guitar shop, that he let me push closer to his tech world
Since that moment... I've been backstage with members of the Who twice. ( once on a T.V. shoot and once with a band I was working with that opened for them...) But, I never saw that Stage guy again until today. Him and his tool box case are still being pushed around the world for other bands and... well, that's it, above.
And he's still a total road pirate...Not that he remembers me. But , I got to help unload his current bands gear. And while we were loading in to the venue. A bunch of his old road friends came over from The Centre, where The Holy Grail is playing. And they just stopped the setup dead when they all got caught up. And our head carp was staring bullets at us ( like he does when ever we are at a stand still...) while we waited for them to give us further instructions.
And all I could do was shrug....

I love working with British crews....
Years ago way back in 88, when I was fresh out of college. I was working for a sad little lighting rental company ( Which will remain unnamed ) And we were hired to empty our shop of every piece of aluminum trussing available and send it down to B.C. Place Stadium. As the huge monster WHO tour needed more... for a huge black backdrop to hide the seating backstage.
Keener that I was, I went down there with with the 5 tonne, volunteering to see if they needed help unloading. Hoping to see a bit of the big rock show, and maybe get some real work. But, at the loading bay of the venue I was told, rather rudely and in no uncertain terms that I was a scab. And not to help unload the truck by the shows union crew. ( Ironically I now work with alot of the local guys who gave me that attitude back then. ) Which as a young kid, I guess that kind reception, must have noticeably upset me.
Beside where they were all laying out the box truss. The Who's Stage crew chief was prepping band gear. And as I stood there stupidly wondering how to disappear into space. He sort of comforted me, and told me in his odd english brogue. Not to listen to those old local farts, who were nobodies anyway. But, I got such a cold shoulder from them that I took myself out of there. And went to see my my GF instead of hanging out. I couldn't for the life of me remember his name from all those years ago... but I remember the tool case he was using as his traveling guitar shop, that he let me push closer to his tech world
Since that moment... I've been backstage with members of the Who twice. ( once on a T.V. shoot and once with a band I was working with that opened for them...) But, I never saw that Stage guy again until today. Him and his tool box case are still being pushed around the world for other bands and... well, that's it, above.
And he's still a total road pirate...Not that he remembers me. But , I got to help unload his current bands gear. And while we were loading in to the venue. A bunch of his old road friends came over from The Centre, where The Holy Grail is playing. And they just stopped the setup dead when they all got caught up. And our head carp was staring bullets at us ( like he does when ever we are at a stand still...) while we waited for them to give us further instructions.
And all I could do was shrug....