Thank the gods of the earth I'm back at work....
And it was a huge show... 7 trucks + hanging lights, video and P.A. for Iron Maiden. I'm not a fan but I have to admit they are awesome. No half measures. Full on, Fcuk you ROCK AND ROLL The show took me back to 1985. My brother was a huge fan for a few years. Due to all his cool friends being into it, and the great pop horror record albums that appeal to teens. Before we all got into highbrow horror industrial music like Skinny Puppy.
56 points articulated trussing. Tonnes of Fog, smoke and Pyro, Huge Articulated Eddie creatures. Backdrops and Bruce Dickenson's costume changes that could rival any large opera production. This Is IRON MAIDEN
Of course the show is only as extreme as the audience and they were animals. As I warmed up the spotlight and sat down to wait for the main event. I couldn't help note how fanatical the audience was. Streams of tight jeaned, white sneakered IRON MAIDEN fans in all manner of Cut off sleeved IRON MAIDEN Shirts and baseball caps filled the coliseum. And as the main event came closer the MAIDEN fans got ever restless. Sporadically chanting MAIDEN! MAIDEN!! MAIDEN!!! While a few IRON MAIDEN Bizerker fans. ( probably drunk on High Test Malt liquor ) Tested the resolve of Security to throw them out of the mosh pit even before the bands arrival....
Dennis hit the coliseum house lights... and a huge cheer of the faithful reached ear piercing levels. As the video played stock footage of the IRON MAIDEN Air Force One landing at some airports and the show loading in. While the LD in the headset I was wearing was screaming out our standbys over all the fans cheering every tiny movement on the darkened stage. The video ended with explosions and visions of Eddie.....While the band members stormed on stage like long haired warriors invading and looting some nighmarish Egyptian Palace.

My home position on the stage was the Bassist. And I was close enough up in the ceiling to see not just my target, but the huge video screen which showed the show live. So every now and then I got to see up close, the bassist posing and gesturing out into the crowd. Like his Fender Precision bass was a Squad Automatic weapon. While the singer led the faithful in this evil dark communion. Running along ramparts around the band and getting the crowd to do huge crowd waves. Sing the songs of the faithful and chant again MAIDEN!!!! MAIDEN!!!! MAIDEN!!!! til they were all sweaty and hourse.
The strike was huge crew of almost 80 Who swarmed the stage the minute the show was over. We were loaded out without issue before the bars closed. So I got to have last call downtown with a few drunken MAIDEN fans who, when they found out I was working the show that night. Did the, "WE're NOT Worthy!!!!" routine and filled my glass with their High Test Malt Liquor....
I love my Job.....

Thank the gods of the earth I'm back at work....
And it was a huge show... 7 trucks + hanging lights, video and P.A. for Iron Maiden. I'm not a fan but I have to admit they are awesome. No half measures. Full on, Fcuk you ROCK AND ROLL The show took me back to 1985. My brother was a huge fan for a few years. Due to all his cool friends being into it, and the great pop horror record albums that appeal to teens. Before we all got into highbrow horror industrial music like Skinny Puppy.
56 points articulated trussing. Tonnes of Fog, smoke and Pyro, Huge Articulated Eddie creatures. Backdrops and Bruce Dickenson's costume changes that could rival any large opera production. This Is IRON MAIDEN

Of course the show is only as extreme as the audience and they were animals. As I warmed up the spotlight and sat down to wait for the main event. I couldn't help note how fanatical the audience was. Streams of tight jeaned, white sneakered IRON MAIDEN fans in all manner of Cut off sleeved IRON MAIDEN Shirts and baseball caps filled the coliseum. And as the main event came closer the MAIDEN fans got ever restless. Sporadically chanting MAIDEN! MAIDEN!! MAIDEN!!! While a few IRON MAIDEN Bizerker fans. ( probably drunk on High Test Malt liquor ) Tested the resolve of Security to throw them out of the mosh pit even before the bands arrival....
Dennis hit the coliseum house lights... and a huge cheer of the faithful reached ear piercing levels. As the video played stock footage of the IRON MAIDEN Air Force One landing at some airports and the show loading in. While the LD in the headset I was wearing was screaming out our standbys over all the fans cheering every tiny movement on the darkened stage. The video ended with explosions and visions of Eddie.....While the band members stormed on stage like long haired warriors invading and looting some nighmarish Egyptian Palace.

My home position on the stage was the Bassist. And I was close enough up in the ceiling to see not just my target, but the huge video screen which showed the show live. So every now and then I got to see up close, the bassist posing and gesturing out into the crowd. Like his Fender Precision bass was a Squad Automatic weapon. While the singer led the faithful in this evil dark communion. Running along ramparts around the band and getting the crowd to do huge crowd waves. Sing the songs of the faithful and chant again MAIDEN!!!! MAIDEN!!!! MAIDEN!!!! til they were all sweaty and hourse.
The strike was huge crew of almost 80 Who swarmed the stage the minute the show was over. We were loaded out without issue before the bars closed. So I got to have last call downtown with a few drunken MAIDEN fans who, when they found out I was working the show that night. Did the, "WE're NOT Worthy!!!!" routine and filled my glass with their High Test Malt Liquor....
I love my Job.....
I'm certainly a do what you love kind of person... it's the only way to live. I hope you like your job. I couldn't imagine otherwise...
I love building golf courses but it keeps me away from home. The older I get the more I want to be around my friends and family back in VA.