God Damn the Pusher Man....
My new friend. Naprosyn. It blocks the bodies ability to produce COX-1 and COX-2 emsymes. The little chemicals that the nerve cells used as reasons to pulse pain messages to the brain and tell that body area to inflame or turn up the body temperature to fever. ( I love Wikipedia...I'm a serious wiki junky )
The thing is the drug isn't localised. It's like drug shotgun shell. Hitting all areas of the body. Which on one level is REALLY grRRREEAAATTTT!!!! It's like a massage session in pill form. Or a yoga session.
Two hours in and I feel like a kid when I sense my body. All the little aches that never went away from injuries in the past. My refused Collarbone, from falling down some stairs while carrying some lazy ass bassists SVT head. Feels fantastic. Even when it's raining. My broken and stainless steel repined thumb. From a sail over the handlebars of my mountain bike, and a immediate tumble down a west coast trail. pas the two young lover strolling up it.... Nada.... I feel Nothing.
However I can't really type to save my life. I have to look at the keys. and when I look back at the screen it's all " wht the th fuck amI realy writig about herre " thank god for spell check.
I've always wondered how so many people can get hooked on Vicadin and Oxycotin in the states. I'm not a big pill popper, out side of cold medicine and multi-vitamins. And the last time I was seriously on drugs was way back in the Anti-depressant 30's And that took working like a dog and cycling like crazy to get off it and try to get past the X. ( which accounts for the bone breaks ) But, if it's anything like this. I totally get it. With your independent insurance premiums that hover around the cost of the rent of a ground floor studio suite out in shitty land east van. It wakes sense. Nobody can take time off work. Because they have no savings. actual surgery cost close to buying a new car. So, hey pop some pills and walk it off dude.
The best thing is I'm not even worrying about the guys on "The Producers" I'm out walking a bit of the city near by. Checking out vintage clothing stores for one of those 1950's, thin, us army fatigue jackets. Cause I need a wind breaker. Browsing the Tattoo portfolios of the local shops. Looking for the artist that I would like to do my Tattoo. After I'm off the drugs... I'd bleed like a stuck pig with a serious Hematoma right now if they put the needle to me. But, I can at least show the artist what I want and get them to design the thing while I convalesce.
I'm even thinking of making June my vacation month. I mean if I'm going to be forced to spend money. I might as well go big and enjoy the vacation month that everyone else in the normal world does for a change. I'm thinking....New York in june would be a great reason / excuse for spending a bit of my savings. See some real big star theatre. See the sites. Walk 42nd street. free of my cane.

My new friend. Naprosyn. It blocks the bodies ability to produce COX-1 and COX-2 emsymes. The little chemicals that the nerve cells used as reasons to pulse pain messages to the brain and tell that body area to inflame or turn up the body temperature to fever. ( I love Wikipedia...I'm a serious wiki junky )
The thing is the drug isn't localised. It's like drug shotgun shell. Hitting all areas of the body. Which on one level is REALLY grRRREEAAATTTT!!!! It's like a massage session in pill form. Or a yoga session.
Two hours in and I feel like a kid when I sense my body. All the little aches that never went away from injuries in the past. My refused Collarbone, from falling down some stairs while carrying some lazy ass bassists SVT head. Feels fantastic. Even when it's raining. My broken and stainless steel repined thumb. From a sail over the handlebars of my mountain bike, and a immediate tumble down a west coast trail. pas the two young lover strolling up it.... Nada.... I feel Nothing.
However I can't really type to save my life. I have to look at the keys. and when I look back at the screen it's all " wht the th fuck amI realy writig about herre " thank god for spell check.
I've always wondered how so many people can get hooked on Vicadin and Oxycotin in the states. I'm not a big pill popper, out side of cold medicine and multi-vitamins. And the last time I was seriously on drugs was way back in the Anti-depressant 30's And that took working like a dog and cycling like crazy to get off it and try to get past the X. ( which accounts for the bone breaks ) But, if it's anything like this. I totally get it. With your independent insurance premiums that hover around the cost of the rent of a ground floor studio suite out in shitty land east van. It wakes sense. Nobody can take time off work. Because they have no savings. actual surgery cost close to buying a new car. So, hey pop some pills and walk it off dude.
The best thing is I'm not even worrying about the guys on "The Producers" I'm out walking a bit of the city near by. Checking out vintage clothing stores for one of those 1950's, thin, us army fatigue jackets. Cause I need a wind breaker. Browsing the Tattoo portfolios of the local shops. Looking for the artist that I would like to do my Tattoo. After I'm off the drugs... I'd bleed like a stuck pig with a serious Hematoma right now if they put the needle to me. But, I can at least show the artist what I want and get them to design the thing while I convalesce.
I'm even thinking of making June my vacation month. I mean if I'm going to be forced to spend money. I might as well go big and enjoy the vacation month that everyone else in the normal world does for a change. I'm thinking....New York in june would be a great reason / excuse for spending a bit of my savings. See some real big star theatre. See the sites. Walk 42nd street. free of my cane.
Enjoy your vacation month, dammit! Throw caution to the wind...