The Replacement....

I think I've found someone to cover me for the run of The Producers....He's a young guy straight out of high school. Which I have a bit of a cause for concern. But, he's worked at ACT before. So he knows the weirdness of the company, and all the extra work expected. so he'll pitch in.
The problem is, with a very young and inexperienced crew on one of the Musicals they put on. Everybodies going to act like they've done it all before ( to save face ) or they'll do as most young people with an Art College Degree and barely any time inn the saddle. Have more Sushpah than seasoning. Burn the candle at both ends for nine weeks. And it might get dangerous. And that's the thing to watch out for.
I've asked the head Electrician and the other spot guy that I know well to both keep a safety diary. And not let management get away with burning the crew out. I've sent them both the required info on being the shop steward and the current Worksafe BC code requirements on refusing unsafe work. And, to contact me if they feel that their being asked to do anything unsafe.
All I can do now... is hope for the best. Let them all at it.....Relax and heal myself.
I mean I have a torn calf muscle... who am I telling anyone about safety????

I think I've found someone to cover me for the run of The Producers....He's a young guy straight out of high school. Which I have a bit of a cause for concern. But, he's worked at ACT before. So he knows the weirdness of the company, and all the extra work expected. so he'll pitch in.
The problem is, with a very young and inexperienced crew on one of the Musicals they put on. Everybodies going to act like they've done it all before ( to save face ) or they'll do as most young people with an Art College Degree and barely any time inn the saddle. Have more Sushpah than seasoning. Burn the candle at both ends for nine weeks. And it might get dangerous. And that's the thing to watch out for.
I've asked the head Electrician and the other spot guy that I know well to both keep a safety diary. And not let management get away with burning the crew out. I've sent them both the required info on being the shop steward and the current Worksafe BC code requirements on refusing unsafe work. And, to contact me if they feel that their being asked to do anything unsafe.
All I can do now... is hope for the best. Let them all at it.....Relax and heal myself.
I mean I have a torn calf muscle... who am I telling anyone about safety????
Just take care of yourself.