If there is a god and he performs miracles. He likes to do it the sly.
I took this amazing photo of an incident on stage - read below. But when I rushed to bluetooth it to my computer I forgot to preset the Preview program for it to upload to, losing the image in the process. Which really sucks. Cause having a good photo phone is one of the reasons I like to write here these days.
We were setting up THE CULT at the Orpheum yesterday. After unloading the really badly packed trailer tractor ( Some Canadian rock tours are one step above carny shows - THE CULT were doing a 3rd level interior tour of the great white north. A far cry from the major city stadium tours of the 80s and the 90s. When they were the goth rock answer to the Doors - Where Lights, sound , staging and band gear are stupidly overloaded in to one semi. Prepped for the Toronto show which would be the highlight of the excursion ) I ended up doing a bit of everything. Lighting, sound, and then finally as the sound crew were ringing out the P.A. with some really loud classic rock. We where helping Billy Duffy's guitar tech set up his tuning rig, stage left.
We'd just set up the "Boat". - A multi-guitar rack stand with 4 of Billy's very expensive Gibson Les Pauls and 2, 6,000 dollar, Ivory white, jumbo Gretch semi hollow bodies. Billy Duffy is to me one of those Iconic rock guitarists. And throughout the 80's / 90's I listened and danced to THE CULT at Luvafair. While working up liquid courage to chat up cute goth girls, more times than I can remember. So, it was a big deal for me to be in the presence of the instruments that played on the albums, "Sanctuary ", " Electric "and "Sonic Temple ".
Myself and Meep where helping run guitar amp connections around the cases and I stood up to take one more look, and quick photo of this row of gorgeous electrical guitars, before I was cut for the day. When all off a sudden, above the PA systems booming classic rock there was this huge, falling, rushing, buzzing sound above me to my right. A millisecond of dead silence. A ping and a CRACK!!!! as this the very end of a huge motor chain came sawing down onto the "Boat" filled with guitars.
Miraculously.....The 60 foot long motor chain struck the "Boat" smack in the ONE empty slot between the Gibson's and the White Gretch's. And hit the ground 4 feet from me, Meep and THE CULT's guitar tech. Who promptly had a serious screaming match with the local PA rep about the vicious deck chain attack from the air.
So they're going at it and standing off like two school yard bullies. While the stage carp calmly starts cutting us all and telling us the strike time.
I Stuck around for a bit to find out what had happened with the PA chain. And while I was watching the show crew figure out the extent of the problem. ( The Chain bag holding the 60 feet of chain was sitting on the top of the PA boxes and the music tremors from the line check knocked the chain out of the bag. Which spilled over the side of the cabinets. When the loop snapped to it's end the safety link snapped from the force and the rest of the chain struck out upstage over the guitar world ) This hippy-shaman dressed guy walks out onto the stage and looks up with me at all the commotion above our heads. So, I turn to Ian Asbury and tell him a quick story about what had transpired just moments ago. Which, is when I realize I'm talking to Ian Asbury. And I might just get to watch THE CULT sound check. When she Nazi security started to ask me where my working pass was. So I headed home.
Returning to the venue I check in at 10pm, Around the time the band is backstage waiting to go back out for encores. And the earlier events give me reason to talk to Billy Duffy himself about how his guitars fared the accident. But everyone had neglected to tell him about in detail. SO now he's all freaked and asking me what happened, if everyone is OK, and about the really bad sound in the room. Which leads to where can they all go to a dive bar for drinks after with some of their entourage. So, I'm telling stories, giving sound thoughts and local drinking hole directions to Billy Duffy and CO.
As Billy's leaving. Hailing a cab with guitar case in hand and two groupies in tow ( One of them the infamous "Dora the Explorer" - A waitress at Brandies and a hot chick rock star stalker of renowned here in Vancouver ) Billy says goodnight to us all out at the truck loading the show out. And shakes my hand for being nice enough for giving him the load-down on the nights weirdness....

If there is a god and he performs miracles. He likes to do it the sly.
I took this amazing photo of an incident on stage - read below. But when I rushed to bluetooth it to my computer I forgot to preset the Preview program for it to upload to, losing the image in the process. Which really sucks. Cause having a good photo phone is one of the reasons I like to write here these days.
We were setting up THE CULT at the Orpheum yesterday. After unloading the really badly packed trailer tractor ( Some Canadian rock tours are one step above carny shows - THE CULT were doing a 3rd level interior tour of the great white north. A far cry from the major city stadium tours of the 80s and the 90s. When they were the goth rock answer to the Doors - Where Lights, sound , staging and band gear are stupidly overloaded in to one semi. Prepped for the Toronto show which would be the highlight of the excursion ) I ended up doing a bit of everything. Lighting, sound, and then finally as the sound crew were ringing out the P.A. with some really loud classic rock. We where helping Billy Duffy's guitar tech set up his tuning rig, stage left.
We'd just set up the "Boat". - A multi-guitar rack stand with 4 of Billy's very expensive Gibson Les Pauls and 2, 6,000 dollar, Ivory white, jumbo Gretch semi hollow bodies. Billy Duffy is to me one of those Iconic rock guitarists. And throughout the 80's / 90's I listened and danced to THE CULT at Luvafair. While working up liquid courage to chat up cute goth girls, more times than I can remember. So, it was a big deal for me to be in the presence of the instruments that played on the albums, "Sanctuary ", " Electric "and "Sonic Temple ".
Myself and Meep where helping run guitar amp connections around the cases and I stood up to take one more look, and quick photo of this row of gorgeous electrical guitars, before I was cut for the day. When all off a sudden, above the PA systems booming classic rock there was this huge, falling, rushing, buzzing sound above me to my right. A millisecond of dead silence. A ping and a CRACK!!!! as this the very end of a huge motor chain came sawing down onto the "Boat" filled with guitars.
Miraculously.....The 60 foot long motor chain struck the "Boat" smack in the ONE empty slot between the Gibson's and the White Gretch's. And hit the ground 4 feet from me, Meep and THE CULT's guitar tech. Who promptly had a serious screaming match with the local PA rep about the vicious deck chain attack from the air.
So they're going at it and standing off like two school yard bullies. While the stage carp calmly starts cutting us all and telling us the strike time.
I Stuck around for a bit to find out what had happened with the PA chain. And while I was watching the show crew figure out the extent of the problem. ( The Chain bag holding the 60 feet of chain was sitting on the top of the PA boxes and the music tremors from the line check knocked the chain out of the bag. Which spilled over the side of the cabinets. When the loop snapped to it's end the safety link snapped from the force and the rest of the chain struck out upstage over the guitar world ) This hippy-shaman dressed guy walks out onto the stage and looks up with me at all the commotion above our heads. So, I turn to Ian Asbury and tell him a quick story about what had transpired just moments ago. Which, is when I realize I'm talking to Ian Asbury. And I might just get to watch THE CULT sound check. When she Nazi security started to ask me where my working pass was. So I headed home.
Returning to the venue I check in at 10pm, Around the time the band is backstage waiting to go back out for encores. And the earlier events give me reason to talk to Billy Duffy himself about how his guitars fared the accident. But everyone had neglected to tell him about in detail. SO now he's all freaked and asking me what happened, if everyone is OK, and about the really bad sound in the room. Which leads to where can they all go to a dive bar for drinks after with some of their entourage. So, I'm telling stories, giving sound thoughts and local drinking hole directions to Billy Duffy and CO.
As Billy's leaving. Hailing a cab with guitar case in hand and two groupies in tow ( One of them the infamous "Dora the Explorer" - A waitress at Brandies and a hot chick rock star stalker of renowned here in Vancouver ) Billy says goodnight to us all out at the truck loading the show out. And shakes my hand for being nice enough for giving him the load-down on the nights weirdness....

thanks for the comment on my blog, i was abit crazy that day, none the less you made me laugh