Mexican Girls.....
The best thing about America being a social pariah is all the hot Mexican girls are coming here for a change to study and scoop up all the casual, menial service jobs. So they can pay for Vancouver's terrible housing and "drinking" costs.
At the end of setting up the Mercedes-Benz Display at the Stadium. We got to drive the new C Class Benz's up onto the display podiums. At the venue, this is a orchestrated affair with all the other various car companies vehicles. To avoid some huge GTA 3 style car pileup. So we have this window that we had to complete the Benz display for.
As we were way ahead of schedule but the display company didn't want to cut a bunch of us. For fear of not having enough drivers at their allocated time, which was later in the day. We got to hang out and chat up the cute Mexican girls that the detailer had hired to wash and clean the display cars. ( God I love knowing how to drive stick shift. And I dress nice...) which meant I was the only guy in our crew of dirty pirate stagehands that display manager trusted with driving this ungodly expensive, mirror silver 2008 SLk gullwing door convertible. Although I never got it out of second gear and put less than a mile on the odometer. It was worth every moment.
faced with such a beautiful car, keys in hand, feeling like James Bond. I sat there waiting in the buttery beige leather driving seat while these to cute Latino girls smiled at me and chatted ME up for a change. Here I am sitting pretty, hoping I don't smell of BO from a long days work of installing car deck stages and running the under deck LED lighting. With these cute Mexican princesses. Who are trying to make ends meat so that they can get up to whistler for April, in between studying English. ( it's funny how all the Mexican girls up here are rich drinking girls with cash to spend AND smile at men without provocation. Honestly, they blow all the uptight Yaletowny Vancouver women right out of the water. )
My boss was so seduced by these girls that he let them ride in the cars with us to the display area. Te girl with me, Alia had a sort of Maria Conchita look to her. All Soapy clean from detailing cars for the day with her friends. Up studying English before traveling to Italy in hopes of getting an interior design internship . Sometimes I think I missed my mark as an interviewer. Cause I can get almost anyone to spill her guts within a short window of time. As we waited for the go signal to enter the stadium. I played the best host to this pretty dark smoky girl, with raven hair and 10 K smile. It's amazing how lovely an exotic dark Latino girls individual body parts stand out as incredible. I couldn't help enjoying even just the look of her dawny black hair on her forearms and at the nape of her long neck. I don't know if it was me or the gull wing SLK but Maria smiled back at me all the time and fake freaked out every time I braked to slow for the Ford 150 in front of me . And kept grabbing my leg.
Oddly enough, she and her friends all were going to hang out at this bar that I got to for cheap tacos and Sol beer after work. But I was headed to a Free Lithium Picnic , burlesque show that night. And Alia and her Sister Maria joined me for that. But after the suspension piece was done we left the Red Room for the cheap Sol and bad tacos at the Parrots. Of course I had to bail early. As I have more scheduled work tomorrow at the Opera. But it was fun to flirt with hot Latino girls all afternoon in a beautiful expensive Merc.....
The best thing about America being a social pariah is all the hot Mexican girls are coming here for a change to study and scoop up all the casual, menial service jobs. So they can pay for Vancouver's terrible housing and "drinking" costs.
At the end of setting up the Mercedes-Benz Display at the Stadium. We got to drive the new C Class Benz's up onto the display podiums. At the venue, this is a orchestrated affair with all the other various car companies vehicles. To avoid some huge GTA 3 style car pileup. So we have this window that we had to complete the Benz display for.
As we were way ahead of schedule but the display company didn't want to cut a bunch of us. For fear of not having enough drivers at their allocated time, which was later in the day. We got to hang out and chat up the cute Mexican girls that the detailer had hired to wash and clean the display cars. ( God I love knowing how to drive stick shift. And I dress nice...) which meant I was the only guy in our crew of dirty pirate stagehands that display manager trusted with driving this ungodly expensive, mirror silver 2008 SLk gullwing door convertible. Although I never got it out of second gear and put less than a mile on the odometer. It was worth every moment.
faced with such a beautiful car, keys in hand, feeling like James Bond. I sat there waiting in the buttery beige leather driving seat while these to cute Latino girls smiled at me and chatted ME up for a change. Here I am sitting pretty, hoping I don't smell of BO from a long days work of installing car deck stages and running the under deck LED lighting. With these cute Mexican princesses. Who are trying to make ends meat so that they can get up to whistler for April, in between studying English. ( it's funny how all the Mexican girls up here are rich drinking girls with cash to spend AND smile at men without provocation. Honestly, they blow all the uptight Yaletowny Vancouver women right out of the water. )
My boss was so seduced by these girls that he let them ride in the cars with us to the display area. Te girl with me, Alia had a sort of Maria Conchita look to her. All Soapy clean from detailing cars for the day with her friends. Up studying English before traveling to Italy in hopes of getting an interior design internship . Sometimes I think I missed my mark as an interviewer. Cause I can get almost anyone to spill her guts within a short window of time. As we waited for the go signal to enter the stadium. I played the best host to this pretty dark smoky girl, with raven hair and 10 K smile. It's amazing how lovely an exotic dark Latino girls individual body parts stand out as incredible. I couldn't help enjoying even just the look of her dawny black hair on her forearms and at the nape of her long neck. I don't know if it was me or the gull wing SLK but Maria smiled back at me all the time and fake freaked out every time I braked to slow for the Ford 150 in front of me . And kept grabbing my leg.
Oddly enough, she and her friends all were going to hang out at this bar that I got to for cheap tacos and Sol beer after work. But I was headed to a Free Lithium Picnic , burlesque show that night. And Alia and her Sister Maria joined me for that. But after the suspension piece was done we left the Red Room for the cheap Sol and bad tacos at the Parrots. Of course I had to bail early. As I have more scheduled work tomorrow at the Opera. But it was fun to flirt with hot Latino girls all afternoon in a beautiful expensive Merc.....