The Burbs....
visiting the family....As It 's way out in the boonies I bring laundry still. Yeah, I guess it's funny being a 40 year old who still takes laundry home to the parental unit. But the little warehouse space I live in does have those facilities. And, it gives me something to do while stuck out there.
I arrived early while my parents were still out getting their cars tuned up. Why two retired people need separate cars is anyones guess. Mind you their post tax income after all the stocks and retirement check is still larger than my last gross. This year might be different - who knows.
As I was all the way out there with no key to the place, I went for a drive around the old neighborhood. Not where my parents live now, but south langley, closer to the US border. It's been years since I drove up thru Brookswood. The last time must have been right after college. Going to visit old teachers back at my old elementary school.
Around were we all used to live. The one subtle thing I noticed was all the trees. Most are still there, but they're fatter and shorter than I remember. All the suburban front lawns were very much the same as I remember them. But. flatter, more manicured. Like time and repetitive lawn mowing had pressed down the soil. The color of the trees seemed muted. Like my memory of that place is encapsulated in a summers day. Or my eyes are old and I can't recognize the colors of my youth. I wish I'd taken a real camera, and taken a photo. to see if that unblinking eye could see it better.
What wasn't subtle was all the new strip malls. tones of little tiny trailer trash one block strip malls. everywhere I looked on the main drag. With Starbucks stores every few blocks. I ventured into one looking for somewhere to get my bearings. As this was all new to me. The store clerks were very nice, they gave me a free cup of coffee for waiting patiently while an elderly lady figured out what she wanted. While a young lady chatted me up about my RENT jacket. Maybe I should go out to the burbs to meet women.
When I did find my way back to the new homestead. Had dinner and saw my niece's new grad party dress while waiting for my laundry to dry. But, the dryer was on half strength. So to kill more time My parents and I with my niece, Heather in tow. Went to the local Walmart. Which, thankfully doesn't exist downtown.
I couldn't get over how huge the place really was. I'd heard they were huge but it never dawned on me that some are as big as a large village centre. We all got lost in the store and had to call each other, to figure out everyones 20, before we left. I hung out with my niece and bought makeup for her. And told her of what been going down with my brother Andrew and his impending separation from Shirley. She thinks Andrews being an Asshat, cause she loves Shirley and thinks she's cool. So do I, and I told her that Shirley would still be welcome to join me when I went out to see the family.
After that little sojourn into mass retail. I went back to my parents place and collected my finally dry laundry. Where, upon leaving, I was asked my niece if I would boot booze for her. If she was down town were I was to look after her I might have obliged. But, leaving her to a bottle of booze with her friends. I had to say no and be the asshole uncle. I hope she forgives me.

visiting the family....As It 's way out in the boonies I bring laundry still. Yeah, I guess it's funny being a 40 year old who still takes laundry home to the parental unit. But the little warehouse space I live in does have those facilities. And, it gives me something to do while stuck out there.
I arrived early while my parents were still out getting their cars tuned up. Why two retired people need separate cars is anyones guess. Mind you their post tax income after all the stocks and retirement check is still larger than my last gross. This year might be different - who knows.
As I was all the way out there with no key to the place, I went for a drive around the old neighborhood. Not where my parents live now, but south langley, closer to the US border. It's been years since I drove up thru Brookswood. The last time must have been right after college. Going to visit old teachers back at my old elementary school.
Around were we all used to live. The one subtle thing I noticed was all the trees. Most are still there, but they're fatter and shorter than I remember. All the suburban front lawns were very much the same as I remember them. But. flatter, more manicured. Like time and repetitive lawn mowing had pressed down the soil. The color of the trees seemed muted. Like my memory of that place is encapsulated in a summers day. Or my eyes are old and I can't recognize the colors of my youth. I wish I'd taken a real camera, and taken a photo. to see if that unblinking eye could see it better.
What wasn't subtle was all the new strip malls. tones of little tiny trailer trash one block strip malls. everywhere I looked on the main drag. With Starbucks stores every few blocks. I ventured into one looking for somewhere to get my bearings. As this was all new to me. The store clerks were very nice, they gave me a free cup of coffee for waiting patiently while an elderly lady figured out what she wanted. While a young lady chatted me up about my RENT jacket. Maybe I should go out to the burbs to meet women.
When I did find my way back to the new homestead. Had dinner and saw my niece's new grad party dress while waiting for my laundry to dry. But, the dryer was on half strength. So to kill more time My parents and I with my niece, Heather in tow. Went to the local Walmart. Which, thankfully doesn't exist downtown.
I couldn't get over how huge the place really was. I'd heard they were huge but it never dawned on me that some are as big as a large village centre. We all got lost in the store and had to call each other, to figure out everyones 20, before we left. I hung out with my niece and bought makeup for her. And told her of what been going down with my brother Andrew and his impending separation from Shirley. She thinks Andrews being an Asshat, cause she loves Shirley and thinks she's cool. So do I, and I told her that Shirley would still be welcome to join me when I went out to see the family.
After that little sojourn into mass retail. I went back to my parents place and collected my finally dry laundry. Where, upon leaving, I was asked my niece if I would boot booze for her. If she was down town were I was to look after her I might have obliged. But, leaving her to a bottle of booze with her friends. I had to say no and be the asshole uncle. I hope she forgives me.