" Anybody who gets to know me... Becomes my admirers or my enemies......owwhoo...."
Bouncing around again. At the Orpheum for a film shoot. Just a fill in day call on that resurrected Heath Ledger film. Collin Feral was there. He smokes alot. I mean what else would an actor do? all that standing around waiting for all these expensive multi-million dollar takes to be set up. I don't like film these days in town there's a pirate like desperation to the crews. As if the industry will collapse at any moment. They're all hungry now. Nothing like 2004.
I'm glad I didn't trade in my 118 card for an 891 card. They don't even have seniority in their local anymore. It's nice to know where your work lies. Mind you, seniority has it's down sides too. All this last week was electrics calls for the Opera, Fidelio. - with the occasional perk though - ( Focusing lights for this extremely cute petite lighting designer from New Jersey. A self confirmed Obsessive compulsive one at that that... Ah... My favorite type of girl. There's something really hot about a smart/ hot / geeky woman who loves lighting. God must make more of them fast...cause I'm a lonely stage electrician. )
I'm really good at two things in theatre. Focusing lighting instruments.. and running follow-spots. Seriously, they want me to focus every light in the damn building. I'm good due to all the boson chair focusing that I've done at ACT over the last 20 years. And I'm no nonsense. I work like a tactical team. I just take over and order all the old guys around.
So much so that the Production electrician kept other senior guys on the books the last few weeks, as lift ballast. So that they could keep me on . And keep me up in the bucket focusing for Noelle. That's a great nod.
I can't stand standing at the bottom of a lift acting as ballast. And it took years before they got the old guys out of the way, and I got to get some action in the cherry picker. Really it's fun. And time goes by so quickly up in the grid pointing lights at a pretty lady. The plus is.... during coffee I can flirt with her with easy. Because over the course of the few days of focusing. And my ability to prefocus alot of the area lighting before she got back to me in the lift. Noelle realized a sympatico thing.
Nothing happened. But, it's just nice to so easily get a rapport with a woman. Especially after usually feeling so geeky and awkward around artsy women in general. They don't get me as an artsy person as my job is usually so blue collar like in comparison. And I'm not the big bread winner 9-5 'er that they can impress, and score as a sugar daddy. So, it's hard to thrill or even interest an artsy girl for me. And to have that automatic respect and connection happen is just so rewarding. regardless of the job flirting.

" Anybody who gets to know me... Becomes my admirers or my enemies......owwhoo...."
Bouncing around again. At the Orpheum for a film shoot. Just a fill in day call on that resurrected Heath Ledger film. Collin Feral was there. He smokes alot. I mean what else would an actor do? all that standing around waiting for all these expensive multi-million dollar takes to be set up. I don't like film these days in town there's a pirate like desperation to the crews. As if the industry will collapse at any moment. They're all hungry now. Nothing like 2004.
I'm glad I didn't trade in my 118 card for an 891 card. They don't even have seniority in their local anymore. It's nice to know where your work lies. Mind you, seniority has it's down sides too. All this last week was electrics calls for the Opera, Fidelio. - with the occasional perk though - ( Focusing lights for this extremely cute petite lighting designer from New Jersey. A self confirmed Obsessive compulsive one at that that... Ah... My favorite type of girl. There's something really hot about a smart/ hot / geeky woman who loves lighting. God must make more of them fast...cause I'm a lonely stage electrician. )
I'm really good at two things in theatre. Focusing lighting instruments.. and running follow-spots. Seriously, they want me to focus every light in the damn building. I'm good due to all the boson chair focusing that I've done at ACT over the last 20 years. And I'm no nonsense. I work like a tactical team. I just take over and order all the old guys around.
So much so that the Production electrician kept other senior guys on the books the last few weeks, as lift ballast. So that they could keep me on . And keep me up in the bucket focusing for Noelle. That's a great nod.
I can't stand standing at the bottom of a lift acting as ballast. And it took years before they got the old guys out of the way, and I got to get some action in the cherry picker. Really it's fun. And time goes by so quickly up in the grid pointing lights at a pretty lady. The plus is.... during coffee I can flirt with her with easy. Because over the course of the few days of focusing. And my ability to prefocus alot of the area lighting before she got back to me in the lift. Noelle realized a sympatico thing.
Nothing happened. But, it's just nice to so easily get a rapport with a woman. Especially after usually feeling so geeky and awkward around artsy women in general. They don't get me as an artsy person as my job is usually so blue collar like in comparison. And I'm not the big bread winner 9-5 'er that they can impress, and score as a sugar daddy. So, it's hard to thrill or even interest an artsy girl for me. And to have that automatic respect and connection happen is just so rewarding. regardless of the job flirting.