Christian Time....
Evangelical events....
They 're really different. The show ( i really don't like calling it that... out of respect, even if that respect feels misguided. - I have nothing against people having a particular faith. It's the people who sort of pray on that faith to provide the answers. But, to mostly ask for money while attempting to push away doubt. And to me, Doubt and Faith are the two pillars of any religion. Really It's the heavy handed proselytizing that creeps me out. When I know my God has no use for a buck. )
The events come mostly from the southern states. fully stocked with lights, staging, camera platforms, video walls etc.. So it feels like a show. Like a kinder gentler WWF wrestling show with out the body wrestling. Only spiritual wrestling. And the crews have that sort of kinder gentler roadie feel to them. Great... nice to work with. And they're happy to work with us, as in other places they go down south. Those full size coliseum style churches filled with volunteers to set up their events. Versus us who sort of get it. The gear all seemed the same... New but cheap. the lights felt "really" lite. Like they would crush like Coors lite beer cans if you held them tightly. The big concerns of the organizers where the ads around the stadium. They were fine as long as they didn't promote beer or sex.
I didn't realize that the "event" would draw 5 thousand people for a two day feel good symposium with God, Jesus and you. The attendees, who were lined up outside the venue where 90 percent women. Smack dab in the middle of the baby making years. Many were actually very fit, trim and quite physically attractive. Most were obviously married. driving into the parking lot in pristine cars. A lot of them cute little VW Bugs ( the new type )
I'd expected a parking lot ful of SUV's but i gues even christians are into saving a buck or two on gas and saving the enviroment. Cause rapture doesn't seem to be happening any time soon.
" Off in the families second car, out to the big city to see their favorite, over shellacked lady minister. Who did her best christian take on a white Oprah / Straight Ellen style: Engage excitedly with your audience like you weren't expecting them to even come to your multi-million dollar TV show LIVE! Event. That Christian programming one. The strangely kinda feels like that secular one that sometimes showers new cars on the entire audience. Here, the ministry was showering love and understanding on these women's sense of well... what ever got them down and made them pay and pray to be preached to.
It wasn't all bad TV evangelism. Some of the stuff she was speaking about made sense. Letting go of others with addictions and giving them to god to worry about. But, at times. Especially during the video talk segways. Which featured women on what i guess was her prayer chat show, back in the states. It had a sort of creepy parallel universe feel to me at times. It looked so much like I was watching segments of The View but everything had this sort of everything leads to the lord connection response that made it feel like I was watching Christian propaganda. The pretty attractive women in the crowd tended to nod knowingly at the videos and the Preacher lady. The more "Robust and Rubenlike women tended to be the hold your hands up and pray along. Or hug and shake to music. They often seemed to be in prayer teams. Each with silly sort of matching shirts or last minute costume's. And they seemed to gather together like wise. The hottie Christian women in pockets and the not hot geeky ones in others. It reminded me of high-school assembly.
If they, the pretty ladies in the audience weren't all bible thumpers. I would have been quite turned around. Many looked like cute elementary school teachers and librarians. Which for me elementary school teachers are quite hot. And Librarians... well they've always been. It's that bird like athletic primness to many of them. As if their workouts in the gym where theme music'd by some tight Christian Enya - sound alike, played quietly on they're ipods while their bodies never really broke a sweat. Refused to even glow, for fear of even a hint of possible temptation. the lack of outward sexiness actually can foster complete fetishism. It's that thought of what naughty ideas might foster in the smart brains. Behind those prim glasses and restrictive clothing.
Mind you I'm single and 40...anything is sexy.
The hot Christian ladies were very clean and well scrubbed. with perfectly applied mac cosmetic faces. Very much like the the preacher lady on stage. Nothing like the stereo typical bible thumping, trailer trash, menopausal lumps of over brooding women, and geeky christian girls. Who grouped themselves for super long hugs during the sacrament. Sad that their lives have wasted away in some dirt water town where the husband's mill has closed eons ago. And real job along with it. And even the kids are gone, or are planing to escape to LA or Las Vegas to make it big on either reality TV or the casino circuit. And they can't quit binge eating, smoking or drinking themselves to meet the lord one day.
I still didn't think there were that many bible thumpers in town to do a two day coliseum event in Vancouver. And I think I was right. As I left the venue, I noticed car after car ( Or rather big truck after big sedan... ) had Washington State plates..
Evangelical events....
They 're really different. The show ( i really don't like calling it that... out of respect, even if that respect feels misguided. - I have nothing against people having a particular faith. It's the people who sort of pray on that faith to provide the answers. But, to mostly ask for money while attempting to push away doubt. And to me, Doubt and Faith are the two pillars of any religion. Really It's the heavy handed proselytizing that creeps me out. When I know my God has no use for a buck. )
The events come mostly from the southern states. fully stocked with lights, staging, camera platforms, video walls etc.. So it feels like a show. Like a kinder gentler WWF wrestling show with out the body wrestling. Only spiritual wrestling. And the crews have that sort of kinder gentler roadie feel to them. Great... nice to work with. And they're happy to work with us, as in other places they go down south. Those full size coliseum style churches filled with volunteers to set up their events. Versus us who sort of get it. The gear all seemed the same... New but cheap. the lights felt "really" lite. Like they would crush like Coors lite beer cans if you held them tightly. The big concerns of the organizers where the ads around the stadium. They were fine as long as they didn't promote beer or sex.
I didn't realize that the "event" would draw 5 thousand people for a two day feel good symposium with God, Jesus and you. The attendees, who were lined up outside the venue where 90 percent women. Smack dab in the middle of the baby making years. Many were actually very fit, trim and quite physically attractive. Most were obviously married. driving into the parking lot in pristine cars. A lot of them cute little VW Bugs ( the new type )
I'd expected a parking lot ful of SUV's but i gues even christians are into saving a buck or two on gas and saving the enviroment. Cause rapture doesn't seem to be happening any time soon.
" Off in the families second car, out to the big city to see their favorite, over shellacked lady minister. Who did her best christian take on a white Oprah / Straight Ellen style: Engage excitedly with your audience like you weren't expecting them to even come to your multi-million dollar TV show LIVE! Event. That Christian programming one. The strangely kinda feels like that secular one that sometimes showers new cars on the entire audience. Here, the ministry was showering love and understanding on these women's sense of well... what ever got them down and made them pay and pray to be preached to.
It wasn't all bad TV evangelism. Some of the stuff she was speaking about made sense. Letting go of others with addictions and giving them to god to worry about. But, at times. Especially during the video talk segways. Which featured women on what i guess was her prayer chat show, back in the states. It had a sort of creepy parallel universe feel to me at times. It looked so much like I was watching segments of The View but everything had this sort of everything leads to the lord connection response that made it feel like I was watching Christian propaganda. The pretty attractive women in the crowd tended to nod knowingly at the videos and the Preacher lady. The more "Robust and Rubenlike women tended to be the hold your hands up and pray along. Or hug and shake to music. They often seemed to be in prayer teams. Each with silly sort of matching shirts or last minute costume's. And they seemed to gather together like wise. The hottie Christian women in pockets and the not hot geeky ones in others. It reminded me of high-school assembly.
If they, the pretty ladies in the audience weren't all bible thumpers. I would have been quite turned around. Many looked like cute elementary school teachers and librarians. Which for me elementary school teachers are quite hot. And Librarians... well they've always been. It's that bird like athletic primness to many of them. As if their workouts in the gym where theme music'd by some tight Christian Enya - sound alike, played quietly on they're ipods while their bodies never really broke a sweat. Refused to even glow, for fear of even a hint of possible temptation. the lack of outward sexiness actually can foster complete fetishism. It's that thought of what naughty ideas might foster in the smart brains. Behind those prim glasses and restrictive clothing.
Mind you I'm single and 40...anything is sexy.
The hot Christian ladies were very clean and well scrubbed. with perfectly applied mac cosmetic faces. Very much like the the preacher lady on stage. Nothing like the stereo typical bible thumping, trailer trash, menopausal lumps of over brooding women, and geeky christian girls. Who grouped themselves for super long hugs during the sacrament. Sad that their lives have wasted away in some dirt water town where the husband's mill has closed eons ago. And real job along with it. And even the kids are gone, or are planing to escape to LA or Las Vegas to make it big on either reality TV or the casino circuit. And they can't quit binge eating, smoking or drinking themselves to meet the lord one day.
I still didn't think there were that many bible thumpers in town to do a two day coliseum event in Vancouver. And I think I was right. As I left the venue, I noticed car after car ( Or rather big truck after big sedan... ) had Washington State plates..