Everybody Facebook.....
I think I have a new addiction... It's the same everyone in Vancouver seems to have...Ah Facebook. Myself and Ed started a Group - Save The Vogue ( The current owners want to turn the building into a club or theme restaurant - We're not sure which. ) There's even a facebook group dedicated to SG. With PG shots of lots of the girls. I actually like the group better than looking at the nudie photos here. Nudity is so overated, nowadays. In fact I haven't looked at any of the girl in some time. This is pretty much a blog site.
I've been chatting with old friends, long ago work buds, like John Shepp who I worked with in the Matt Good period. Girls I dated briefly. All of which has made me pick up my Epiphone and noddle a bit. The best time about facebook is, if I chat with someone at a bar or club I can facebook them up and see what their name is. Which makes it far easier to chat with them again. As i relate to names that are written as apposed to spoken. Especially at places like Sanctuary where I can barely hear them over the industrial music. And in the case of the girls, see if they're really single ( People seem to be honest on facebook versus drunk in a club - at least I think so. )
That's the only down fall of Facebook. No blogging ability.
The real problem with this week has it being a replacement week. After striking the Gobsmack show up at the forum. where I always seem to lose shit, or have my bag rifled through... ( The Show was Amazing....some of the best metal rock lighting I've seen in a while. But, I've been stuck at The Stanley for the whole summer. ) I had to climb over a fence to get back to my car. Where it was parked on the PNE grounds. My Green Shuffle fell off my pocket and onto the grass in around the grandstand. Lost to some park cleaner... I searched all over the ground but to no avail....I should never work at the Forum without stripping myself of all valuables. And of course the Nano I bought as a replacement doesn't seem to work. I guess Apples concentrating on iPhones and the qualities gone to shit.
I think I have a new addiction... It's the same everyone in Vancouver seems to have...Ah Facebook. Myself and Ed started a Group - Save The Vogue ( The current owners want to turn the building into a club or theme restaurant - We're not sure which. ) There's even a facebook group dedicated to SG. With PG shots of lots of the girls. I actually like the group better than looking at the nudie photos here. Nudity is so overated, nowadays. In fact I haven't looked at any of the girl in some time. This is pretty much a blog site.
I've been chatting with old friends, long ago work buds, like John Shepp who I worked with in the Matt Good period. Girls I dated briefly. All of which has made me pick up my Epiphone and noddle a bit. The best time about facebook is, if I chat with someone at a bar or club I can facebook them up and see what their name is. Which makes it far easier to chat with them again. As i relate to names that are written as apposed to spoken. Especially at places like Sanctuary where I can barely hear them over the industrial music. And in the case of the girls, see if they're really single ( People seem to be honest on facebook versus drunk in a club - at least I think so. )
That's the only down fall of Facebook. No blogging ability.
The real problem with this week has it being a replacement week. After striking the Gobsmack show up at the forum. where I always seem to lose shit, or have my bag rifled through... ( The Show was Amazing....some of the best metal rock lighting I've seen in a while. But, I've been stuck at The Stanley for the whole summer. ) I had to climb over a fence to get back to my car. Where it was parked on the PNE grounds. My Green Shuffle fell off my pocket and onto the grass in around the grandstand. Lost to some park cleaner... I searched all over the ground but to no avail....I should never work at the Forum without stripping myself of all valuables. And of course the Nano I bought as a replacement doesn't seem to work. I guess Apples concentrating on iPhones and the qualities gone to shit.