So it's almost 2, Sunday night and this is only my second update since I joined this site. John and I are completely obsessed with The Sopranos we have watched season 1 and season 2 in about four days. 10 hours in one night, I guess I don't need to say that it is my new favorite group of gansters. Also I am very excited,...
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Okay, so it's day one here for me on suicide girls, and I don't really have much to say. I just got home from making margarita's for redneck's and people who think they aren't redneck's. So I am kinda brainfried, and not from anything good.
So I'm gunna veg out and watch some tv.

HEY! Update yr damn journal woman, this shite ain't free!!!!
Tell everyone whet a suave fuckin' dude I am. :-)
Hey. here's a cute pic of Meatball I just took.

Tell everyone whet a suave fuckin' dude I am. :-)
Hey. here's a cute pic of Meatball I just took.

Here ya go baby, have fun.