So day two of feeling shitty continues. I slept most of the day, and lounged for the rest of it, spending lots of time here actually looking around. I am still fairly new here and haven't explored that much. Poor ratbastard is sick too. He is feeling worse than me today, he is coughing and sneezing. At least we are both sick, but that's usually the way it works.
Our fucking car is in the shop having it's transmission rebuilt. It's only been two days with out a car and we are sick so I haven't felt the affects yet. Hopefully we will get it back by the end of this week because being in frederick with no car is no fun. It's not like being in the city where you can jump on the metro or take a fucking cab.
For the first time I have posted myself in my underwear. It is very surreal to look at yourself online in your underwear. At first I wasn't going to do it, but my photos are classy. Plus I do love black and white pictures.
This is Sidney my rottweiller I've had her since 1995. This is such a goofy picture of her I had to put it up.
Good lord could I be more random tonight. Probably. ratbastard has gone crazy on the haiku board. It is very entertaining. We are both haiku junkies, I say as I push my glasses up on my nose. LOL. Hmmm maybe it's time for a cigarette, I can only smoke half of one right now or it makes me feel worse. Damn this sick bullshit, but thank god for snuggly sweatshirts.
Took this picture about 1/2 hour ago.
Our fucking car is in the shop having it's transmission rebuilt. It's only been two days with out a car and we are sick so I haven't felt the affects yet. Hopefully we will get it back by the end of this week because being in frederick with no car is no fun. It's not like being in the city where you can jump on the metro or take a fucking cab.
For the first time I have posted myself in my underwear. It is very surreal to look at yourself online in your underwear. At first I wasn't going to do it, but my photos are classy. Plus I do love black and white pictures.
This is Sidney my rottweiller I've had her since 1995. This is such a goofy picture of her I had to put it up.

Good lord could I be more random tonight. Probably. ratbastard has gone crazy on the haiku board. It is very entertaining. We are both haiku junkies, I say as I push my glasses up on my nose. LOL. Hmmm maybe it's time for a cigarette, I can only smoke half of one right now or it makes me feel worse. Damn this sick bullshit, but thank god for snuggly sweatshirts.

Took this picture about 1/2 hour ago.

Is that what you mean?