Oh may aching fuvking head! Can we say "badly hung over bitch"? A pox on thee, Jagermiester!! Damn you! Jager and I got into a fight, last night. Not a fight, really. More like a little tangle is all. Jager tries to kick my ass every time we tangle, but I haven't thrown up yet so that means I win again!! YES!!

Aside from that, the night turned out quite unlike I had anticipated. COC (Corrosion Of Conformity) rocked my ass off, but I knew they would. I missed Crowbar though.

I made the tour mgr a happy boy, I got that gig jumpin' bitch off my gigs (turns out she had to pay off a debt), the bar tender got me totally shit faced, I made a little money, I saw some people I hadn't seen in a long time, and damn I looked so good if I wasn't me I'd have hit on myself!

Roadhouse was struck speechless by my hot ass, as planned. I played the normal "jealous yet?" games. I would have taken it much further (probably too far) however, he was just so damn cute trying not to watch me. I couldn't help myself! After flirting around awhile, I walked up behind him, put my arms around his neck and whispered happy birthday into his ear. Then I started to walk away (we'd been at odds for the past 2 days) but he stopped me and .............. and he wasn't too pissed off about the flirting thing. He knows me too well for that, I think. So, he had my back after all, which totally makes me feel good.

Sorry to disappoint everyone who was hoping to hear tales of bloodshed and mayhem. Maybe next time. There'll always be a next time.

I'm going back to bed. I think I'm still drunk. Damn you Jagermeister!! I'll get you next time!

It doesn't feel like it's really this late. Probably because I've slept the day away. Woke up again, possibly still drunk. Can't tell for sure. I am starving my ass off, though. Just finished off a bunch of chips and salsa (say it again...salsa) and am waiting on my frozen pizza to burn just right so I can eat it and go back to bed. I should probablystay up all night because I start graveyard shift, tomorrow night.

But fuck that, I'm too hung over.

Hey, look what I got! Her name is Lilly and she's a lavender llama! You can play with her, but play nice or I'll have to kick your ass!

I petted your llama. I was surprised you didnt get a kitty, then I could pet your kitty too. Oops, that is your job isnt it?
As for your suggestion, I think the order needs to be rearranged, the store first, otherwise where would I keep my wallet.