At Cain's, sitting in the office, listening to Seether. They're set is about over. It's not really my kind of sound, but mostly I can't deal with all the people. Too many people!! What if they touch me????
I hate crowds and like elevators with more than 3 poeple on them because someone might touch me. Yeah, I got issues. What of it?
Later lovies!!!

Later lovies!!!

remember a few weeks ago you talked about getting friend request form people you've never commented with or on? it just happened to me today... i was thinking like okay who are you? then i saw big boobies and a member of Masturbation and Cockaholics, alright she can't be that bad.. *accepted* see how it goes i guess..
ya know what i gave it a lot of thought and i think you are right. If we can talk about it maybe i won't have to lose her at all if she says no. Also this way we can bring it up and have a real conversation about it. instead of me falling helplessly in love and getting my heart ripped out. Thank You.
[Edited on Jun 21, 2005 9:51PM]