Good evening, my little sexies!!
What's up with all of you?
Well, we are officially "moved" but that's about as far as it's gotten.
I'm trying to stay on task and unpack and all that jazz. Today I actually did a bunch of crap.
I should probably take a picture of my garage, every other day so that everyone can see what a lazy toad I am. That could be some motivation, huh? Nah.
So, the first thing I do is work on my yard. The front is completely carpeted with these stupid ass "Sweet Gum" spikey ball things that hurt like hell if someone nails you with one. Well, I raked those up. Have 3 huge piles of 'em still waiting for me to bag.
Then, I go into the jungle that is suppose to be the haven my kids have been waiting forever for. I see poison ivy!! Having tromped through the woods all stupid summer, every stupid summer, every stupid year of my life, at summer camp (no not band camp, but yes I played the flute) I've never had poison ivy, but my Halo has very sensative skin and would get it in an instant. So, idiot that I can be, I go charging in there and wacking shit I have it! Son of a B*TCH!! And man, does it suck. So, I stayed in bed for 2 days, feeling sorry for myself and being afraid to touch anything for fear of passing it to one of the kids. The I decided to declare war. I was dead serious.
No fucking weed is gonna ruin this yard for my midgets! I only stopped short of srpaying the whole mess with some hydro-somekindacrap, because Roadhouse kept saying it'd kill everything. At the time, I didn't really care because I had poison ivy, see? And then my kids could get poison ivy. So if that meant everything had to die, then so be it. ---now before all lovers of our mother earth come chew me a new one, let me just say that I did NOT manage to kill any damn thing, okay? It's all cut back and Roadhouse went to the Co-op and bought some crap and sprayed all over the place, today. So, hopefully this will be tha last time I rant about it.
But, if I whined about my poor neglected kitty, before, you don't even wanna hear me bitch now!!
There's no poison ivy there (THANK THE GODDESS) but I'm not even gonna risk taking that chance. So, I'm all kinds of fucked up at the moment.
BUT.....we're MOVED!! YAY!
Okay, my lovies, I should really get to bed now. Hope you are all doing wonderfully well and staying blissfully sexed!
Good night, sleep tight and may all your dreams be wet ones!!

Well, we are officially "moved" but that's about as far as it's gotten.

So, the first thing I do is work on my yard. The front is completely carpeted with these stupid ass "Sweet Gum" spikey ball things that hurt like hell if someone nails you with one. Well, I raked those up. Have 3 huge piles of 'em still waiting for me to bag.

But, if I whined about my poor neglected kitty, before, you don't even wanna hear me bitch now!!

There's no poison ivy there (THANK THE GODDESS) but I'm not even gonna risk taking that chance. So, I'm all kinds of fucked up at the moment.

BUT.....we're MOVED!! YAY!

Okay, my lovies, I should really get to bed now. Hope you are all doing wonderfully well and staying blissfully sexed!

Good night, sleep tight and may all your dreams be wet ones!!

Today I come up for Air.
Your right it is Hard Core but when youre Young you often dont know better. Thanks for thinking about me been busy at work and have a new friend that Ive been spending a lot of time with.