Back home. Head hurts. Eyes are crossed (or something). Feel like I'm gonna
, but I gotta fight it untill I pass out cold. I cannot STAND to throw up. I'll do anything it takes to avoid it.
I'm going to go to bed because I have to be at work in 5 hrs. I think it'd be a good idea to go to work and sleep there to there's no way I could be late, right? Hell, I was over an hour late today.
HUGE suprise. That is so unlike me!!
Okay, sweetie-pies, I gotta get off this thing. It's not helping any of my ailments, to sit here and stare at this screen. You all have a sexy Saturday and hopefully I'll be in touch sometime tomorrow.
<<<<<By the way, I changed back to my regular self. I love this pic because it fits so well. My wildflowers and daisies only fit on rare occassions when I'm in a "hooray for everything" mood. Those are few and far between, at best.
Good night/morning!!

I'm going to go to bed because I have to be at work in 5 hrs. I think it'd be a good idea to go to work and sleep there to there's no way I could be late, right? Hell, I was over an hour late today.

Okay, sweetie-pies, I gotta get off this thing. It's not helping any of my ailments, to sit here and stare at this screen. You all have a sexy Saturday and hopefully I'll be in touch sometime tomorrow.

<<<<<By the way, I changed back to my regular self. I love this pic because it fits so well. My wildflowers and daisies only fit on rare occassions when I'm in a "hooray for everything" mood. Those are few and far between, at best.
Good night/morning!!
Pierced nipples are hot. I think you should do it - I've thought about it. I wonder how painful it is?
It's good to walk out of the bar under your own power. It means you get to walk into the next one.