My friend, commonman, had mentioned that tis the time for a rotaion of fave SG's. I nodded in agreement and began the huge undertaking of looking at all these nekked beauties (yuck!
) and then having to narrow my choices! I'm not quite ready to let Voltaire or Blyss go back into the pool, just yet. So then I have an even harder time because I can only pick 3!! 3 out of over 600??? That's impossible.
One of them came I mean, came
to me in a dream, thanks to the awesome mind melding powers of my olddog!!
And, thus, I awoke in my own wet spot, as promised!
Then I happily made myself another!
I hope everyone is having a beautiful day!
I so do not look forward to the weekends because everyone leaves to do their thing and I begin my work week.
Pretty much everything about me is bassackwards!!
Oh well!

One of them came I mean, came
to me in a dream, thanks to the awesome mind melding powers of my olddog!!

I hope everyone is having a beautiful day!

Pretty much everything about me is bassackwards!!


Time to get some dinner, Ill be back later.
OK, Im back.
Lets see where were we? Oh.
You throw me off with one of your famous judo moves and end up sitting on top of me. I dont how but you have my wrists tied to the bed posts with your ever present hemp rope. Just as I lift my head I see a flash the blue from your ring as you backhand me across the face. Grabbing a fist full of my gray chest hair you lift my shoulders off the bed. You lean in close and say with a quiet but firm voice I told you to fuck me in the ass!!!!!! With that you grab the bottle of lube and douse my dick. You get stand up over me and slowly squat down, in one slow firm motion my cock goes slipping up inside you gorgeous little butt. As you start riding me, my body is being pushed down into the bed but my arms are lashed tight to the posts. With ever slam of your ass, my arms are being dislocated. Little by little the pain grows as you ride me faster and faster. I screaming your name, yet, you are ignoring me. Just as darkness begins to close in around me I feel your face against mine and hear you say in a sweet whisper Next time, do as I say.
Sweet dreams.
[Edited on Apr 21, 2005 10:25PM]