So ya wanna read my delerious ramblings, hmm? Well, sorry to disappoint you but after my "cat" nap, I'm not so delirious anymore. I'm not even feeling mean or vengeful or anything! That's not to say I'm full of love and warm fuzzies for my fellow man or anything. Just that if I were at work right now, I would probably be able to explain (patiently) why a broken dishwasher does not an emergency make. Even if you happened to be Paris Hilton (who probably has no clue what a dishwasher is) it still is not an emergency and no, you will not starve to death because that is why your god made 'McDonalds' and something called "pizza delivery". Or, "I'm sorry sir, but the emergency maintenance line for your apartment complex cannot dispatch someone out to unclog your bathroom sink unless you can explain to me how your life may be threatened by said clog." My favorite calls are the ones like "Yeah, this is Mr. Soandso and I want my phone number changed." Me: "Sir, is this an emergency or can it wait until normal business hours?" (we have to ask that on this account) Him: "Well, no, ain't nobody gonna die over it er nuthin', but ma'am, I'm too old to get woke up in the middle of the dang night on a count a these damn kids keep a callin' me and harrassin' me and Mrs Soandso!" Me: "Sir, have they made any threats towards you? Are you afraid of them for some reason?" Him: "Why hell no! They just think it's funny on a count a them last 4 numbers of my phone number spells BOOB!"
I wonder how long those old people were getting prank calls before they figured out why!
And can someone please tell me who the fuck is out looking for houses to buy, at 10:30 P-damn-M!? Huh?
Oh, nice. There I go! Stop yourself, girl!
Okay, back to my groovy mood........You know, Janis Joplin is (WAS) the shit! I just bought "Essential Janis" and it is SOOO good. I love her. I'd have done her just because she was so cool. Her coolness makes her beautiful. To me, anyway.
Okay, I'm gonna get off here before I get kicked off again. Think I'll play some games and listen to my Launchcast or something boring. Oh! I'll watch Kill Bill again!

I wonder how long those old people were getting prank calls before they figured out why!
And can someone please tell me who the fuck is out looking for houses to buy, at 10:30 P-damn-M!? Huh?
Oh, nice. There I go! Stop yourself, girl!

Okay, back to my groovy mood........You know, Janis Joplin is (WAS) the shit! I just bought "Essential Janis" and it is SOOO good. I love her. I'd have done her just because she was so cool. Her coolness makes her beautiful. To me, anyway.
Okay, I'm gonna get off here before I get kicked off again. Think I'll play some games and listen to my Launchcast or something boring. Oh! I'll watch Kill Bill again!

May I lick your boots and wash your dishes?