Well shit. I took too long with my journal entry and the stupid thing logged me out! Oh well. Probably for the best. I'm sure no one needs to read my delerious rants and ramblings.
Sorry 'bout that. I'll try again after work, tomorrow.
Just one more day then I've got 4 days off!!! I can do it, I know I can! All I need are those good vibes and that damn AK-47!
Nightie night! Hugs and kisses and all that stuff.
Sorry 'bout that. I'll try again after work, tomorrow.

Just one more day then I've got 4 days off!!! I can do it, I know I can! All I need are those good vibes and that damn AK-47!

Nightie night! Hugs and kisses and all that stuff.

Ha! Be careful what you say because when sleep deprived (which has become the norm for me) I can hang with the big dogs, baby.
Yep, I went off about my abusive faceless fucks, and those damn Hiltons and I forget what else. Too bad. Oh well, I'm sure that window will open again, soon.
Well, my lovies, I think I'm going to lay my fuzzy blanket on teh floor, open the blinds to let the sun-shine in, get naked, pet my kitty and take a nice little nap in the sun. After all, it's not like I have to be at work today!!!!!