Hey babes!!!
Sorry I've been so crap at blogging and generally being around, work is so busy and I've got a 10 day straight workathon starting tomorrow (ugh)
I thought I'd pop in with my bucket list as it's my day off so I've got some time to myself (yay)
So. Bucket List.
I've never really thought about a bucket list, but this weeks topic has made me interested in things I'd like to do. There's always been things I've said I want to do, but I've never thought about a bucket list!!
so here goes!!!
-Go travelling. Even if it's just to 1 or 2 countries, I'd love to do a bit of travelling at some point and meet some of the SG babes from different parts of the world. I've love to go to Australia and America at some point!
-Go to Download Festival (this one is happening this year, but It hasn't happened yet, so I'm including it.) I've always wanted to go to Download but never had the time/funds/people to go with. but this year it's happening! I've got my ticket for 5 day camping and I'm so excited!!! Hopefully going with the babe that is @salliss :D <3
-launch my own business. This one is one I've wanted to do for a while. I'm an artist and have recently graduate from my Fine Art Degree and would love to set up a business selling my work and merchandise with my work on it. I also want to teach myself how to use the graphics tablet I bought last year but haven't gotten around to using to do digital drawings!!
(one of my pieces from my final year exhibition at uni)
-I also want to start making and selling things like harnesses and chokers etc. I've made a couple for myself and would love to sell them as I love making them!
-get good enough at fire breathing to do performance. last March, I did a fire breathing day course and LOVED it. Eventually I want to find myself a place to practice and perfect my skills and then maybe perform one day (maybe at Blackheart Burlesque ;) haha) Got a way to go yet, but it's on my list!!!
-shoot with @mikewhitephotog because he's incredible and his photography is beautiful! (and he's a babe) and if anyone can make me look good, it's him!
-live somewhere big enough to have all my SGUK babes round for a massive party/sleepover. nothing makes me happier than being in a room with all my beautiful SG friends, since joining the site last year I've made lots of friends who I talk to daily in our whatsapp group and I'm pretty sure it's talking to them that gets me through the day!
-see the northern lights. I know this one is fairly generic and a lot of people say they want to do it, but I don't care. The Northern lights are so beautiful and I'd love to experience it for myself one day!
I can't think of anything else right now! maybe something will pop up and I'll make myself a proper list. but for now, that's all.
See you, babes <3 <3
@rambo @lyxzen @missy